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- Submitted: Sep 13 2014 02:51 PM
- Last Updated: Sep 13 2014 02:51 PM
- File Size: 319K
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- Downloads: 741
- Author: Chafer, Lewis Sperry
- theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
- Tab Name: 7 Biblical Signs
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Chafer, Lewis Sperry - Seven Biblical Signs of the Times

Eschatalogy (Endtimes) Dispensationalism

Chafer, Lewis Sperry
theWord Version:
3.x - 4.x
Tab Name:
7 Biblical Signs
Seven Biblical Signs of the Times was originally delivered as an address at the Laymen's Missionary Movement Convention in Atlanta, Georgia on June 10, 1919.
About Lewis Sperry Chafer
Lewis Sperry Chafer (1871 - 1952), noted dispensationalist, educator, and founder of Dallas Theological Seminary.
Chafer wrote eight popular books. His first, Satan, was published in 1909. The best–known of his popular works was He That Is Spiritual (1918). Chafer’s enduring legacy is his eight–volume Systemic Theology which he began in 1937 and finished in 1948. He approached evangelical theology from the dispensationalist and premillennial viewpoint he learned from C. I. Scofield, with whom he had traveled for some years.
Table of Contents
01. The Seven Biblical Signs Of The Times
02. Our Object In Service
03. Is The End In View?
04. Christians May Discern The Approaching End
05. Two Prophetic Days Must Be Distinguished
06. Real Issues to be Considered
07. The Seven Major Biblical Signs Of The Times
08. The Jewish Sign
09. The Gentile Government Sign
10. The Jerusalem Sign
11. The Unveiled Prophecy Sign
12. The Material Earth Sign
13. The Apostacy Sign
14. The Commercial Sign
15. Conclusion
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