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- Submitted: Jan 30 2013 03:55 PM
- Last Updated: Jan 30 2013 03:55 PM
- File Size: 45.75MB
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- Author: J.P. Lange
- theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
- Tab Name: Lange
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Lange, John Peter - Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Critical, Doctrinal, and Homiletical (25 volumes)

Whole Bible Greek Hebrew Exegesis Hermeneutics Bible Interpretation Homiletics

J.P. Lange
theWord Version:
3.x - 4.x
Tab Name:
1/30/2013 - Version 2: Hundreds and hundreds of changes. Too many to list individually
The most common issue was blank passages (no commentary) and misplaced passages (commentary appearing in the wrong verse). Overlapping comments were also creating problems in various books and they have been greatly reduced. A large number of miscellaneous errors were also fixed, based on your feedback. Context: My original source documents are broken into nearly 1,100 files. About 500+ of those files were changed with this revision.
Valued for generations and consulted by Bible scholars everywhere, John Peter Lange's Commentary on the Holy Scripture has withstood the test of time. Hundreds of times per year, even today, Lange is quoted and cited in dissertations and books. Lange’s It's one of the finest academic commentary sets that has ever been produced..
John MacArthur lists Langes as a must-have in its 850 Books for Biblical Expositors.
Cyril Barber (in The Minister’s Library Vol 1) has this set marked with an “*”, meaning it is one of the best. He writes “One of the best multivolume commentaries available...."
Even Charles Spurgeon, who disagreed with portions of Lange's theology, wrote:
With this volume the English issue of Lange’s great Commentary is completed, and all ministers and students are deeply indebted to Dr. Schaff and the Messrs. Homiletically, these commentaries are of high value. Often by a single sentence they will start the mind and give it a push along a line of thought, and this is the chief thing that most of us need.
About Lange
Johann Peter Lange (1802-1884) was a professor in Zürich, professor of evangelical theology in the University of Bonn, and a prolific author. Lange began this commentary series in 1857.
About the Commentary
As the introduction to the American version says: this commentary series "aims to give all that the minister and Biblical student can desire in one work." The claim is not hyperbole. Lange aims high, and the contributors and editors give it their all.
To this end, the design is a wonder. Many wish modern series would emulate it as effectively. Each book has an introduction that is both academically and homiletically (i.e. with an aim to preaching) focused.
While the Old Testament represents 80% of the Bible and the New Testament 20%, Lange devotes about 50% of his commentary to the New Testament!
Structure of the Commentary
The text is a fresh translation, followed by a threefold commentary on each section.
- The first part is exegetical and critical, containing the exegetical and interpretive analysis of the original text, including textual notes, often studying every word.
- The Second part is doctrinal and ethical section, focusing on theological and moral truths gleaned from the passage.
- The third part is the homiletical and practical section communicates suggestions as to how the passage can be preached and applied, drawing suggestions both from German (Luther, Tholuck, etc.) and English-language (Hodge, Henry, Spurgeon, Clarke, Charnock, etc.) sources.
The contributors include some of the more prominent German and English-language scholars of the day. The English-language contributors comprise an impressive constellation of scholars from around the doctrinal spectrum, including Philip Schaff, Charles A. Briggs, W. G. T. Shedd, Patrick Fairbairn, W. Henry Green, John A. Broadus, James Strong, and C. H. Toy.
theWord Edition
One of the largest theWord commentaries ever created, Lange's words span over 150 megabytes of text, including some 256,000 scripture references! 71,000+ Greek words rendered! 69,900+ Hebrew words rendered!
This is not the butchered version of Lange's New Testament you may have seen elsewhere. This is properly formatted!
theWord edition includes the commentary module (150 megabytes uncompressed) and a Supplemental Information Book module (6 megabytes). The latter contains various introductions, Rhythmical versions, and Metrical translations. The portion covering Job has over 900 footnotes!
The footnotes in each passage are blue and hyperlinked to the footnotes at the bottom the screen. You may click a footnote to view its content and you may click the footnote again to return to your point of reference in the text.

Brent Hildebrand for ToolTip NT, my authoring tool of choice for e-Sword. Let me clear: This project would not have happened without Brent's fixes, coding, and accommodation of my requests.
"Raymond" is a person I know who cannot reveal his identity because he lives in a country where Christians are routinely killed. "Raymond" wrote a series of very complicated regular expression search/replacements to make this commentary possible. Without Raymond, the footnotes would have been a mess!

God bless you.
May our Lord keep blessing and strengthen you all.
This is truly a tremendous resource that you have made available for theWord users.
I must say it is heavy reading. I spent a few hours yesterday digesting Lange's comments on John 14:16 "another Comforter" before I understood what his position was on the subject, due in part to him liberally quoting alternate views at length, but then giving his objections or alternate views in the same paragraph. Today, as I read the same section again, it made clear sense. I guess, one needs to become familiar with the style and structure of Lange's writing.
Lange uses a lot of Hebrew and Greek words in his comments. Not knowing Greek, theWord's "right-click" - "look up" feature pointed to all open dictionary/topic modules containing the Greek or Hebrew word I had clicked on. This freature of theWord is a big plus when using this resource (one of the advantages over eSword). For the Latin words, I keep the web browser open on "Google Translate".
Highly reccommend this module to anyone who is interested in deep exegetical study.
Once again, thanks for a great resource Josh.
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Thank you, Josh.