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  • Submitted: Jul 22 2020 02:21 PM
  • Last Updated: Aug 23 2020 01:10 PM
  • File Size: 1.77MB
  • Views: 2741
  • Downloads: 174
  • Author: William Pinard
  • theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
  • Tab Name: The Declaration of the Apostles according to WILLIAM
  • Suggest New Tag:: Gospel of Christ, Gospel Harmony, New Testament, Jesus Christ, Gospels, Parable of the Lord, Declaration, Apostles, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Merged Gospel, One Gospel
  • Module Identifier: b4008

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theWord Module Download:
Download The Declaration of the Apostles - Study Version Version 5

- - - - -
William Pinard

theWord Version:
3.x - 4.x

Tab Name:
The Declaration of the Apostles according to WILLIAM

Suggest New Tag::
Gospel of Christ, Gospel Harmony, New Testament, Jesus Christ, Gospels, Parable of the Lord, Declaration, Apostles, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Merged Gospel, One Gospel

Module Identifier:

Version 5

NOTE #1: A major update and overhaul of the entire module
NOTE # Do not use the font increase or decrease buttons in this module: It will distort the table correspondence and parallels.

# Updated and corrected several typos due to RFT conversion
# Merged The Declaration of the Apostles with the Gospel of Christ into one contiguous narrative and added Strong’s numbers for a comprehensive study of the Gospel.
# Linked the 4 Gospel accounts index for easier navigation to events in the Declaration of the Apostles and The Gospel of Christ

Unto Thee in Order Most Excellent Friend:

I would like submit for your consideration a biblical resource to hopefully add to your collection of modules for the study of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is a major update to the original document with many additional resources, links, and corrections (see the list of resources below). The title of the work is The Declaration of the Apostles according to WILLIAM & The Gospel of Christ according to WILLIAM.

Module Content Summary
The Declaration of the Apostles according to WILLIAM &The Gospel of Christ according to WILLIAM include many resources for a comprehensive study of the Gospel including:

# The complete KJV text of the Gospel accounts of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John in a four-column parallel format ordered according as they are evidently set forth by the Apostles.

# The complete Gospel of Christ conflated into one contiguous chronologically dramatic narrative.

# A comprehensive table of conflation diagrams demonstrating the order in which the gospel accounts were conflated to restore the event into one dramatic narrative.

# A complete table of First Again events: An internal examination of the order of the Gospel accounts displaying graphically the correspondence between the gospel accounts and their inherent agreement.

# A complete chronical of events with dates “set forth in order”. The law of that dating system is that the scripture cannot be broken. Furthermore, the dating system relies on a “multi-literal” understanding of scripture. (See Chronical of Events in the module for details.)

# A Gregorian/Roman Calendar displaying dates from 6 BC - 4 BC including the final 50 days including feasts and holy convocations.

# A comprehensive summary of all events in the Gospel cross-referenced with the gospel accounts of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John in a four-column format and linked to the appropriate sections in the Declaration of the Apostles for ease of navigation and study.

# A free Stand-Alone PDF of this Module with many more tools as well as other documents is available for download at www.thechurchatwilliamscreek.com and www.thechurchattroutdale.com

The Declaration of the Apostles according to WILLIAM is a true and perfect harmony of the four gospel accounts of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The Declaration sets forth in order the dramatic events of who did what-where-when, establishing a perfect synoptic understanding of the four gospel accounts, without private interpretation or commentary. All scripture is taken from the Authorized King James Version of the Bible; and is ordered according as it is evidently set forth in each gospel account, with no scripture omitted and none used more than once; the order of the scripture being determined by the testimony of the scripture. The Declaration is an invaluable tool for the study of scripture. Dramatic consideration of time-distance-movement can be precisely determined; while literary considerations of issues, doctrines, and concepts can be charted throughout the gospel.

In examing this work you will discover the order of the scriptures to be significantly different from other works that endeavor to develop a chronological harmony of the four gospel accounts. The integral order of the scripture demonstrates the mutual correspondence and superimposition discovered between the testimonies of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John that seamlessly reconcile their accounts into one dramatic narrative titled the Gospel of Christ according to WILLIAM. The Gospel of Christ according to WILLIAM (1) establishes that the four canonical gospel accounts of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were written by apostolic eyewitnesses of Jesus and ministers of his gospel; (2) establishes the historicity of the four gospel accounts (3) establishes the inerrancy of holy scripture; (4) and establishes/reaffirms the faith of those of us who believe in the divine inspiration of the four gospel accounts.
This discovery of an inherent literary interdependence among the four gospel accounts in establishing a true chronology of the Gospel of Jesus Christ opens to all believers and unbelievers alike the hope for an intimate understanding and knowledge of our Lord's Life, Love, Faith, and passion for His Bride.
We commend this work to every man’s conscience in the fear of our God, with all goodwill and grace according to the will of God and our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord. May His faith, hope, and love abound toward you always.

What's New in Version Version 5 (See full changelog)

  • A major update and overhaul of the entire module
  • 8/23/2020
  • # corrected typo in strong's table
  • # MinorTable of Contents correction
  • # Updated and corrected several typos due to RFT conversion
  • # Merged The Declaration of the Apostles with the Gospel of Christ into one contiguous narrative and added Strong’s numbers for a comprehensive study of the Gospel.
  • # Linked the 4 Gospel accounts index for easier navigation to events in the Declaration of the Apostles and The Gospel of Christ


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