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- Submitted: Oct 03 2020 04:08 AM
- Last Updated: Oct 03 2020 04:10 AM
- File Size: 4.11MB
- Views: 1925
- Downloads: 199
- Author: Louis Berkhof
- theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
- Tab Name: Summary of Christian Doctrine
- Suggest New Tag:: Doctrine
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Summary of Christian Doctrine - Louis Berkhof

Louis Berkhof
theWord Version:
3.x - 4.x
Tab Name:
Summary of Christian Doctrine
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Just as Berkhof's Systematic Theology is outstanding in its own field, his Summary of Christian Doctrine is unequalled as a popular handbook of Christian doctrine, written from an evangelical and reformed standpoint. Systematically arranged and helpfully sub-divided, A Summary of Christian Doctrine has proved ideal for church study-groups. Passages for memorization and questions for review at the close of each chapter enhance the book's value for the student.
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I'm not completely on board with Berkhof, yet this is a valuable Reform-based resource.