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  • Submitted: May 15 2023 04:03 AM
  • Last Updated: May 15 2023 03:07 PM
  • File Size: 2.03MB
  • Views: 789
  • Downloads: 34
  • Author: Wells, Amos R
  • theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
  • Tab Name: Wells - Bible Year
  • Suggest New Tag:: Bible reading plan,
  • Module Identifier: JBJ99-Wells-Bible-Year.gbk

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theWord Module Download:
Download Wells, Amos - A Bible Year 1.0

- - - - -
Whole Bible Devotional
Wells, Amos R

theWord Version:
3.x - 4.x

Tab Name:
Wells - Bible Year

Suggest New Tag::
Bible reading plan,

Module Identifier:

A Bible Year is a sequential Bible reading plan which aims to deepen the reader's understanding of each of the books of the Bible and how they come together as a whole. Its simplicity belies the insightful daily comments provided for meditation and further research - which are sure to enhance the Bible study of any reader.

Each daily section includes the following:
  • The section of the Bible to be read (usually 3-4 chapters)
  • A statement or question for the reader to meditate on as they read
  • A topic for the reader to research further and deepen their understanding (if time allows)
In addition, a brief introduction/overview is provided for each book of the Bible (given in the corresponding week where the reader first reaches that particular book).

Biography of Amos Wells (from Wikipedia):

Amos Russel Wells (23 December 1862, in Glens Falls, New York – 6 March 1933, in Massachusetts) was a United States editor, author and professor.

He graduated from Antioch College in 1883. He was professor of Greek and geology at Antioch College from 1883 to 1891 and from 1891 editor of the Christian Endeavor World, Boston. From 1901, he was associate author of Peloubet's Notes on the Sunday School Lessons. He was a member of the International Sunday-School Lesson Committee. He was a voluminous author, no less than 63 titles being credited to his pen. His works include books dealing with young people's work, the Sunday school, juvenile fiction, poetry and devotional literature.

Note: if I get time, I am hoping to make an updated (more contemporary) version of this reading plan, adding in suggestions/links to modern resources to aid the reader in further study of the daily topics. If you would be interested in such a module, please let me know.

If you have found this resource valuable and would like to make a small donation, you can do so at www.paypal.me/jbj707. It will help me to keep making high-quality theWord modules into the future.

What's New in Version 1.0 (See full changelog)

  • 15.5.23 - initial upload

causes TW 6 to crash. Windows shows the file as dangerous.

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