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- Submitted: Mar 01 2012 05:57 PM
- Last Updated: Jul 04 2016 01:34 PM
- File Size: 2.11MB
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- Author: Rupert C. Foster
- theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
- Tab Name: Studies Life Christ
- Module Identifier: jb10
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Foster, RC - Studies in the Life of Christ 1.0
Gospels Christology Biography
Rupert C. Foster
theWord Version:
3.x - 4.x
Tab Name:
Studies Life Christ
Module Identifier:
This 1,300+ page book was originally published in four separate volumes: Introduction; The Early Ministry; The Middle Period; The Final Week. The Introduction deals extensively with a variety of critical issues, including the Two-Source Theory, date and authorship questions, and the like. The remaining three sections contain a chronological study of the life of Christ, taking into account the data found in all four gospels.
This resource is worthwhile—especially if you plan on preaching or teaching. You’ll find it an excellent resource. Because it is broken down into relatively short chapters dealing with individual scenes in the life of Jesus, it can be read in a piecemeal fashion. Unless you’re looking to study the life of Christ chronologically and exhaustively—or unless you enjoy reading 1,300 page books—you might do better if you read it in that way.
Written primarily in the 1940's, portions of the book wrestle with the liberalism of its day, particularly source, form and redaction criticism. This is an invaluable resource.
Table of Contents
1. Scriptural Sources
2. Pagan Sources: The Roman Historians
3. Jewish Sources: Josephus and the Talmud
4. The Catacombs
5 The Apocryphal Gospels
6. The Early Christian Writers
7. The Historical Background
8. The Sects of the Jews
9. The Influence of the Weather upon the ministry of Jesus
10. The Two-Source Theory
11. Form Criticism
12. The Inspiration of the Gospel Narratives
13. The Text of the Gospels
14. The Canon of the Gospels
15. The Credibility of John
16. The Date of the Crucifixion
17. The Self-Revelation of Jesus
1. The Pre-Existence of Christ
2. The Birth of Jesus
3. Notes of the Nativity
4. The Date of Jesus’ Birth
5. The Place of Jesus’ Birth
6. The Virgin Birth
7. The Genealogies
8. Mary, the Mother of Jesus
9. The Youth of Jesus
10. Notes on the Youth of Jesus
11. The Youth of Jesus in the Apocryphal Gospels
12. The Youth of Jesus in the Mind of the Modernist
13. The Ministry of John the Baptist
14. The Baptism of John and the Dead Sea Scrolls
15. The Baptism of Jesus
16. Essays on the Baptism
17. The Temptation of Jesus
18. Some Problems Concerning the Temptation
19. The First Disciples
20. Messianic Titles
21. Critical Essays on John 1:19-51
22. The Wedding Feast at Cana
23. The Cleansing of the Temple
24. The Conversation with Nicodemus
25. The Baptism of John and Christian Baptism
26. The Woman at the Well
27. The Healing of the Nobleman’s Son
28. The First Rejection at Nazareth
29. The Calling of the Disciples
30. Miracles in Galilee
31. Controversies in Galilee
32. The Lame Man at the Pool of Bethesda
33. Witnesses for the Son of God
34. The Sabbath Controversy
35. The Sermon on the Mount
36. The Sermon on the Mount and “The Social Gospel”
37. The Deity of Christ in the Sermon on the Mount
1. The Galilean Campaign
2. The Centurion of Capernaum
3. At the Gate of Nain
4. A Chapter of Broken Hearts
5. Simon the Pharisee
6. The Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit
7. Interruptions
8. The Sermon in Parables
9. Hard Sayings
10. The Stilling of the Tempest
11. The Gadarene Demoniacs
12. In the Home of Jairus
13. Further Campaigns
14. The First Mission of the Apostles
15. The Death of John the Baptist
16. The Feeding of the Five Thousand
17. The Watch in the Night: The Walking on the Water
18. The Debate with the Zealots
19. Shock Troops from the Capital
20. The Syro-Phoenician Woman
21. The Feeding of the Four Thousand
22. Further Controversy and Retreat
23. The Good Confession
24. The Transfiguration
25. The Miracle in the Valley
26. Closing Days in Galilee
27. Journey to Jerusalem
28. At the Feast of Tabernacles
29. The Woman Taken in Adultery
30. The Sermon on the Light of the World
31. The Man Born Blind
32. The Good Shepherd
33. The Mission of the Seventy
34. The Good Samaritan
35. Discourse on Prayer
36. Further Controversies
37. The Fear of Men Versus Trust in God
38. Warnings Concerning the Judgment Day
39. Jesus at the Feast of Dedication
40. Discussion in Peraea
41. The Parable of the Prodigal Son
42. The Parable of the Unjust Steward
43. The Rich Man and Lazarus
44. The Parable of the Unprofitable Servants
45. The Raising of Lazarus
46. The Healing of the Ten Lepers
47. The Sermon on the Second Coming
48. Parables on Prayer
49. Broken Homes Versus Happy Homes
50. The Rich Young Ruler
51. Rewards and Suffering
52. Jericho
53. The Parable of the Pounds
1. The Arrival at Bethany
2. The Anointing of Jesus by Mary
3. The Triumphal Entry
4. The Cursing of the Fig Tree; Second Cleansing of the Temple
5. Mythical Interpretation and Form Criticism
6. Jesus and the Pharisees
7. Jesus and the Sadducees
8. The Teaching of Jesus Concerning Hell
9. The End of the Debate
10. Final Appeal to the Nation
11. The Destruction of Jerusalem
12. The Second Coming
13. In the Upper Room
14. In the Garden
15. Who Crucified Jesus?
16. The Good Confession Before Pontius Pilate
17. The Death of Christ (Historical Details)
18. The Death of Christ (Divine Purpose)
19. The Resurrection
20. A Geographical Study of the Final Week
21. Sunrise in Galilee
22. Final Instructions and the Ascension
1. The Aramaic Background of the Gospel Narratives
2. Chronological Outline of the Life of Christ
What's New in Version 1.0 (See full changelog)
- Chapter 13 missing content restored in addition to administrative changes to module
I see the data in the e-Sword module, so it was somehow lost in production I suppose.
Also I notice in the table that is in the missing topic, there is some legacy Greek text in the LXX column.
Also I notice in the table that is in the missing topic, there is some legacy Greek text in the LXX column.
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Book one, chapter 13 is empty in the module for theWord.