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- Submitted: Mar 03 2012 12:57 PM
- Last Updated: Mar 03 2012 12:57 PM
- File Size: 3.1MB
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- Downloads: 1,705
- Author: B.W. Johnson
- theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
- Tab Name: BWJ
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Johnson, B.W. - Collected Commentaries 1.0

B.W. Johnson
theWord Version:
3.x - 4.x
Tab Name:
B.W. Johnson, the author of the People's New Testament (downloadable here), also created some other commentaries during his lifetime. They are contained in this commentary file:
Commentary on John (easy to read, but much more in-depth than the People's New Testament comments on this book)
Vision of the Ages: Lectures on the Apocalypse (lectures/commentary on Revelation)
Christian's International Lesson Commentary (1886) containing comments on:
- II Kings 22:1-13; 25:1-12
- Ezra 1:1-4; 3:8-13
- Nehemiah 1:1-11; 8:1-12
- Esther 4:10-17
- Jeremiah 8:20-22; 9:1-16; 35:12-19
- Daniel 1:8-21; 3:16-28; 5:1-12, 25-28
- Malachi 3:1-6; 4:1-6
- I John 1:5-10; 2:1-6
- Revelation 1:4-18; 5:1-14; 7:9-17; 22:8-21 (Note: these are more verse-specific than his lectures above which were geared more towards the themes of the book of Revelation).
- John (the commentary on John was reproduced in this lesson commentary)
- Introduction to Genesis
- Most of Genesis 1-4, 6, 12, 13, 15, 18, 19, 22, 28, 32, 37, 41, 45, 57
- Most of Exodus 1-3, 12, 14, 16, 20
- Introduction to Matthew
- Matthew 2-13
Most of his comments are brief and concise. However, when the situation calls for it, he will spend many paragraphs explaining a text.
Preface to the Lesson Commentary
No teacher can teach what he does not understand himself. Whether his place be in the school-room, the pulpit, or before the Sunday-school class, it is essential that he should be familiar with the lesson that he seeks to convey. There are other elements that enter into the qualifications of a successful Sunday-school teacher, but there is nothing that will take the place of knowledge of the Scripture lesson. This is indispensable.
Hence my principal aim, in the following work, is to bring out as fully as possible, the meaning of the Scriptures selected for the study of the class. There has been no attempt to startle by novel views, or to amaze by a show of learning, or to confuse by a comparison of commentators, but I have sought to present in plain, simple language, which the ordinary reader could understand, a clear exposition of the inspired thought, as well as the practical duties that it suggests and enforces. In this work I have not sought or avoided controverted points, but, without the slightest reference to the opinions of men, have endeavored to "declare the whole counsel of God."
My lesson commentary is prepared as an aid to the teacher in his work. No work of the kind can fit any teacher to appear before his class unless he makes the proper preparation. He must use it as a help in the way of preparation for his class duties during the week. I would suggest to each teacher who Uses this volume the following methods of study: Early in the week read carefully the lesson of the ensuing Sunday from the Bible, with its connection. Next, pass over the lesson carefully, verse by verse, and endeavor to form a conception of the meaning of each passage, marking the places that are not understood. After this has been faithfully done, about the middle of the week, open this Lesson Commentary, examine the location of the lesson upon the maps, read the Helpful Readings and the Introduction, and then take up the lesson in order and compare the explanation of each verse with the conclusions reached from previous study. Do not leave any portion until a clear, sharp outline of its meaning is present to the mind. Then, after reading the "Practical and Suggestive" reflections, examine the Analysis and try to group the various thoughts of the lesson around these divisions.
More is necessary, however, than knowledge of the lesson. This can not be dispensed with, but to learn the meaning is not the only needful preparation. Each teacher should know the wants of his own class, and he should seek to emphasize those points which are best adapted to their needs. Nothing will help him more, after he has a clear view of the lesson, than to pray earnestly over it with the special condition of the class before his mind while engaged in supplication. There is no place where practical applications will come to the mind so rapidly, and which are so appropriate, as when one is on his knees. The thorough study of the lesson places the sword of the Spirit in the hand of teacher; prayerful reflection gives him skill to wield the sword or the Spirit, and adds strength to his arm. To teach a lesson successfully one must have the confidence that comes from knowledge, must feel a deep interest in those who are taught, and must be full of the Spirit of Him who inspired the lesson.
This work is committed to teachers and Bible students with the prayer that it may, under the blessing of God, prove a real help to them in the noble and self-sacrificing work to which they are consecrated.
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