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  • Submitted: Sep 14 2012 09:55 AM
  • Last Updated: Sep 14 2012 10:14 AM
  • File Size: 126K
  • Views: 2441
  • Downloads: 311
  • Author: Patrick Donahue, John Carol
  • theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
  • Tab Name: Donahue-Carrol Debate
  • Suggest New Tag:: Debates

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Download Donahue, Patrick and Carrol, John - Debate on the Impeccability of Christ (Could Jesus Have Sinned?) 1.0

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Christology Calvinism Theology Proper (NatureOfGod) Jesus Studies Living a Christian Life Church of Christ Pentecostal

Patrick Donahue, John Carol

theWord Version:
3.x - 4.x

Tab Name:
Donahue-Carrol Debate

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The Donahue-Carroll Debate on the Impeccability of Christ is a short, cordial written debate over the question, "Could Jesus Have Sinned?"

John Carroll (Oneness Pentecostal) affirms that it was impossible for Jesus to be tempted or to sin because of His Deity (and other considerations).
Patrick Donahue (church of Christ) denies this impossibility, based on Christ's human side and the temptations of Christ in Matthew 4 (and other considerations).

This written debate took place in 2008, and was followed by an oral debate, which can be listened to here.

Preliminary questions (Carroll's questions answered)
Preliminary questions (Donahue's questions answered)
Carroll's first Affirmative
Donahue's first Negative
Carroll's second Affirmative
Donahue's second Negative
Carroll's third Affirmative
Donahue's third Affirmative
Carroll's Rejoinder
Donahue's Rejoinder

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