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- Author: J.W. McGarvey
- theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
- Tab Name: McGarvey - Biblical Criticism
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McGarvey, J.W. - Short Essays in Biblical Criticism

Apologetics / Evangelism Atheist Bibliology (BibleDoctrine) Theology Proper (NatureOfGod) Biblical Studies Expository Topics Textual Criticism Bible Interpretation Hermeneutics Sermon Helps

J.W. McGarvey
theWord Version:
3.x - 4.x
Tab Name:
McGarvey - Biblical Criticism
Short Essays in Biblical Criticism is a series of articles (some shorter than others) which were published in the Christian Standard from 1893-1904. These articles deal mostly with the arguments that are brought against the Bible by its critics. Some of the articles contain questions and answers, others deal with specific charges against the text (including date and authorship). This is an invaluable resource which spans many, many topics of interest.
These articles were all written by J.W. McGarvey, who was called "the ripest Bible scholar in the world" by the London Times. Other books written by McGarvey include:
- Jesus and Jonah (download here)
- Sermons (download here)
- Treatise on the Eldership (download here)
- Guide to Bible Study (download here)
- The McGarvey Commentary collection (3 volumes) (download here)
- The Fourfold Gospel (Harmony with Commentary),
- Commentary on Acts,
- Commentary on Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, and Thessalonians
- The Fourfold Gospel (Harmony with Commentary),
- The Authorship of of Deuteronomy (not yet available in TheWORD)
Below is the list of the over 200 chapters (articles) in this book.
- Announcement.
- Some Definitions. (Jan. 7, 1893.)
- The Dates of the Old Testament Books. (Jan. 14, 1893.)
- Dates of Old Testament Books. (Jan. 21, 1893.)
- Deborah Slandered. (Jan. 21, 1893.)
- Jael's Feat. (Jan 21, 1893.)
- The Dates of Old Testament Books. (Jan. 28, 1893.)
- Brigg's Choice. (Jan. 28, 1893.)
- Inspiration of Inveracity. (Jan. 28, 1893.)
- What of It? (Feb. 11, 1893.)
- Cheyne on David and Goliath. (Feb. 18, 1893.)
- The Red Sea Affair. (Feb. 18, 1893.)
- Criticism and the Book of Genesis. (Feb. 25, 1893.)
- Genesis According to Jesus. (March 11, 1893.)
- Joshua and the Law of Moses. (May 20, 1893.)
- A Specimen. (May 27, 1893.)
- The Question of Inerrancy. (May 27, 1893.)
- Archdeacon Farrar and Higher Criticism. (June 4, 1893.)
- Paul's Four Hundred and Thirty Years. (July 1, 1893.)
- Kings and Chronicles. (July 18, 1893.)
- Professor Sanday on Biblical Inspiration. (July 22, 1893.)
- How Shall We Spell the Name? (July 29, 1893.)
- Of Himself? or of Some Other Man? (Aug. 5, 1893.)
- The Authorship of Hebrews. (Sept. 30, 1893.)
- Is There a Double Account of Creation? (Oct. 7, 1893.)
- Criticism and Witticism. (Oct. 14, 1893.)
- Counting Noses. (Oct. 21, 1893.)
- Jesus on Psalm 110. (Jan 6, 1894.)
- Crumbs for Unbelievers. (Jan. 13, 1894.)
- A Sermon by a "Critic." (Jan 20, 1894.)
- The Wisdom of the Wise. (Jan. 27, 1894.)
- The Wisdom of the Wise. (Nov. 24, 1894.)
- A Test Case of Literary Criticism. (March 2, 1895.)
- What Did Moses Do? (Apr. 6, 1895.)
- A Critical Paradox. (May 11, 1895.)
- "The Higher Critics Criticized." (June 22, 1895.)
- Center Shots from Hastings. (June 27, 1895.)
- Shall We Let Him Alone? (Aug. 24, 1895.)
- A Case in Point. (Aug. 24, 1895.)
- Fellowship in Unbelief. (Aug. 24, 1895.)
- Geo. F. Moore on Judges. (Nov. 9, 1895.)
- A Common Mistake. (Nov. 23, 1895.)
- Still Another Book from Professor Green. (Nov. 30, 1895.)
- Some Questions. (Nov. 30, 1895.)
- A Modern Prophet on the Prophets. (Jan. 18, 1896.)
- The Title "Pharaoh." (Jan. 18, 1896.)
- Job and Ameni. (Feb. 1, 1896.)
- A Conversation. (July 18, 1896.)
- Lessons from the Monuments. (March 7, 1896.)
- The Sign of Jonah. (March 7, 1896.)
- Lessons from the Monuments: Story of Joseph Confirmed. (March 14, 1896.)
- Other Lessons from the Monuments: The Scribes. (March 28, 1896.)
- A Modern Redactor. (March 28, 1896.)
- Epitaph of an Agnostic. (Apr. 4, 1896.)
- Lessons from the Monuments: Women in Ancient Egypt. (Apr. 11, 1896.)
- The Darkness of Atheism. (Apr. 11, 1896.)
- The New Bible and the Children. (Apr. 18, 1896.)
- Old Truth and New Truth. (June 13, 1896.)
- Why Abram Went to Canaan. (July 4, 1896.)
- The Cry, "Back to Christ." (July 11, 1896.)
- Some Crudities of Criticism. (July 11, 1896.)
- Catch-Phrases. (Aug. 1, 1896.)
- "What of It?" (Aug. 29, 1896.)
- Dr. Young, of Danville. (Oct. 10, 1896.)
- "Jesus and Jonah" in Scotland. (Nov. 21, 1896.)
- Joshua's Speech to the Sun and Moon. (Nov. 14, 1896.)
- Joshua's Command to the Sun and Moon. (Nov. 14, 1896.)
- The Letter that Killeth. (Apr. 3, 1897.)
- Hunting a Place for the Bible. (Dec. 12, 1896.)
- A Thin Argument. (Dec. 19, 1896.)
- Wellhausen's Wrath Kindled. (Dec. 26, 1896.)
- Evolution and Miracles. (March 27, 1897.)
- A Symposium on "Practical Christianity." (Jan. 2, 1897.)
- Lyman Abbott and Evolution. (Feb. 27, 1897.)
- Lyman Abbott on Sacrifice. (Jan 16, 1897.)
- Who Is an Infidel? (Jan. 16, 1897.)
- "The Bible as Literature." (March 6, 1897.)
- Evolution and Sacrifice Once More. (March 13, 1897.)
- Union in Division. (March 20, 1897.)
- "The Gospel in Brief." (March 20, 1897.)
- Rationalism's Claim to Exclusive Scholarship. (Apr. 10, 1897.)
- Washington Gladden on Lyman Abbott. (Apr. 11, 1897.)
- Criticism in Germany. (Apr. 17, 1897.)
- A Reaction in Criticism. (May 1, 1897.)
- Parallel Cases. (June 5, 1897.)
- Driver on Deuteronomy. (June 19, 1897.)
- Hell and the Devil. (July 17, 1897.)
- Much Ado about Nothing. (Oct. 2, 1897.)
- Professor Hommel's Protest. (July 21, 1897.)
- A Curiosity in Criticism. (Sept. 11, 1897.)
- Intellectual Freedom. (Sept. 11, 1897.)
- Questions. (Aug. 7, 1897)
- President Harper's Complaint. (Aug. 28, 1897.)
- Literary vs. Historical Criticism. (Sept. 11, 1897.)
- The Theology of Hymns. (Oct. 2, 1897.)
- A Batch of Questions. (Oct. 9, 1897.)
- The Unitarians. (Oct. 16, 1897.)
- Free Thought and Liberty of Speech. (May 14, 1898.)
- Why Paul Went to Jerusalem. (Nov. 6, 1897.)
- Those Three Years in Arabia. (Nov. 6, 1897.)
- That Jerusalem Decree. (Nov. 6, 1897.)
- In One Spirit. (Nov. 13, 1897.)
- Was the Question before Him?. (Dec. 4, 1897.)
- Farrar's Daniel. (Jan. 8, 1898.)
- The Reviewers of Hommel. (Jan. 8, 1898.)
- Lyman Abbott Analyzed. (Jan. 1, 1898.)
- A Step toward Rome. (Jan. 1, 1898.)
- The Song of Songs. (Jan. 1, 1898.)
- McGiffert's Apostolic Age. (Jan. 22, 1898.)
- McGiffert's Apostolic Age. (Jan. 22, 1898.)
- McGiffert's Apostolic Age. (Feb. 5, 1898.)
- The Authorship of Acts. (Apr. 2, 1898)
- Why Omitted by Moses? (Feb. 19, 1898.)
- Why Omitted by Moses? (March 19, 1898.)
- The Pending Controversy. (Apr. 2, 1898.)
- Slashing at the Text. (Apr. 2, 1898.)
- A Tribute to the Bible. (Apr. 16, 1898.)
- Changing the Narrative. (May 21, 1898.)
- A Chronological Puzzle. (May 28, 1898.)
- Abbottisms. (June 4, 1898.)
- The Debt Acknowledged. (June 11, 1898.)
- Contradictions. (July 30, 1898.)
- Singular and Plural. (Aug., 20, 1898.)
- Would They Do as Well? (Sept., 3, 1898.)
- An Old Puzzle. (Oct. 15, 1898.)
- "Lead Us Not into Temptation." (Oct., 15, 1898.)
- A Case in Point. (March 4, 1899.)
- That Sensation in New York. (Apr. 1, 1899.)
- Professor Briggs on Methuselah. (Apr. 1 1899.)
- Professor Briggs on the Gift of Tongues. (March 18, 1899.)
- Inerrancy. (Jan. 21, 1899.)
- Courtesy in Controversy. (Jan. 28, 1899.)
- A Good Suggestion. (Dec. 10, 1898.)
- Did He Suffer the Penalty. (Dec. 17, 1898.)
- A Very Serious Inquiry. (Dec. 10, 1898.)
- The Reproach of Christ. (Dec. 17, 1898.)
- How Was the Jordan Cut Off? (Dec. 17, 1898.)
- A New Daniel Come to Judgment. (Sept. 24, 1898.)
- Not Similarly Situated. (Sept. 24, 1898.)
- The Science of Religion. (Sept. 24, 1898.)
- Ophir and Almug-trees. (Sept. 24, 1898.)
- The Slaughter of the Midianites. (Sept. 24, 1898.)
- Is There a Lord's Supper? (Sept. 24, 1898.)
- The Lord's Supper in Luke. (Sept. 24, 1898.)
- Old, Yet Ever New. (Oct. 1, 1898.)
- Divine Healing Again. (Oct. 8, 1898.)
- Chedorlaomer's Expedition. (Oct. 15, 1898.)
- Hospitality to New Truth. (Oct. 22, 1898.)
- What Was Proved by Miracles. (Nov. 12, 1898.)
- Random Talk by an Infidel. (Nov. 5, 1898.)
- An Omiscient Professor. (March 22, 1902.)
- Freedom in Teaching. (June 1, 1901.)
- The New Critical Method. (Nov. 12, 1898.)
- Deborah Dishonored. (Apr. 12, 1902.)
- Deborah's Forty Thousand. (June 1, 1901.)
- The Alpacas. (June 1, 1901.)
- Wellhausen's Battle at the Red Sea. (Jan. 18, 1902.)
- Some Choice Extracts. (Jan. 18, 1902.)
- The Issue Wrongly Stated. (May 17, 1902.)
- A Sure Cure for Unbelief. (Jan. 25, 1902.)
- A Problem in Higher Criticism. (May 27, 1902.)
- Plain Questions and Plain Answers. (Jan. 25, 1902.)
- The Way It Goes at Yale. (Jan. 25, 1902.)
- President Harper on Sacrifice. (Apr. 5, 1902.)
- Heresy-Hunting. (Apr. 5, 1902.)
- Chicken Cocks Banished. (Apr. 5, 1902.)
- Professor Willett on Creation. (June 14, 1902.)
- Robbing Joshua. (July 5, 1902.)
- How It Is Done. (July 12, 1902.)
- The Ghost of Galeileo. (Oct. 14, 1902.)
- Gomer. (July 12, 1902.)
- Wiser Than Peter. (Oct. 14, 1902.)
- Exit Abraham. (Oct. 14, 1902.)
- The Restoration of All Things. (Nov. 8, 1902.)
- The Time of the Public Entry. (Nov. 8, 1902.)
- This Man Hath Done Nothing Amiss. (Jan. 17, 1903.)
- "When Thou Comest in Thy Kingdom." (Jan. 24, 1903.)
- "Remember Me." (Jan. 31, 1903.)
- A Lawyer in the Arena. (Feb. 14, 1903.)
- Tertius. (Feb. 14, 1903.)
- Is It a Quotation? (Feb. 14, 1903.) .
- Name the Prophets. (Feb. 21, 1903)
- As a Lawyer Sees It. (Feb. 21, 1903.)
- "A New Apologetic." (March 14, 1903.)
- Mary Magdalene. (March 14, 1903.)
- "The Legends of Genesis.". (March 21, 1903.)
- The Fatherhood of God. (June 6, 1903.)
- Hammurabi vs. Moses. (June 6, 1903.)
- David's Charge Respecting Joab and Shimei. (Jan. 30, 1904.)
- Historical Study of the Bible. (July 13, 1903.)
- Myth and Fiction in the Bible. (March 19, 1904.)
- The American Bible League. (June 4, 1904.)
- The Death of Judas. (June 11, 1904.)
- Trine Immersion. (June 11, 1904.)
- How Far? (June 11, 1904.)
- What Shall We Call It. (June 11, 1904.)
- The Prayer of Nabonidus. (Sept. 17, 1904.)
- Inspiration. (July 23, 1904.)
- Paul's Four Hundred and Thirty Years. (Sept. 17, 1904.)
- Words Without Meaning. (June 11, 1904.)
- What Did Paul Mean? (July 23, 1904.)
- One of the Assured Results. (Aug. 17, 1904.)
- Professor Kent Slanders Gideon. (Sept. 24, 1904.)
- What Would Be Left. (Nov. 12, 1904.)
- An Infidel Tract. (Nov. 26, 1904.)
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