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  • Submitted: Dec 02 2012 01:01 PM
  • Last Updated: Dec 02 2012 01:01 PM
  • File Size: 1.43MB
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  • Author: Richard Watson
  • theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
  • Tab Name: Theological Institutes by Richard Watson

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Download Watson, Richard - Theological Institutes (4 Parts) 1.0

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Richard Watson

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3.x - 4.x

Tab Name:
Theological Institutes by Richard Watson

This edition of the INSTITUTES contains the "Analysis" heretofore published as a separate volume. It is also furnished with a pretty copious Index, the want of which has long been felt. It is hoped that the work will be found better adapted, both for students and general readers, than ever before.

New-York, May 6, 1850.

THE object of this work is to exhibit the EVIDENCES, DOCTRINES, MORALS, and INSTITUTIONS of Christianity, in a form adapted to the use of young Ministers, and Students in Divinity. It is hoped also that it may supply the desideratum of a BODY OF DIVINITY, adapted to the present state of theological literature, neither Calvinistic on the one hand, nor Pelagian on the other.

The reader will perceive that the object has been to follow a course of plain and close argument on the various subjects discussed, without any attempt at embellishment of style, and without adding practical uses and reflections, which, however important, did not fall within the plan of this publication. The various controversies on fundamental and important points, have been introduced; but it has been the sincere aim of the Author to discuss every subject with fairness and candour: and honestly, but in the spirit of "THE TRUTH," which he more anxiously wishes to be taught than to teach, to exhibit what he believes to be the sense of the Holy Scriptures, to whose authority, he trusts, he has unreservedly subjected all his own opinions.

London, March 26, 1823.

Table of Contents

CHAPTER 1 Man A Moral Agent
CHAPTER 2 The Rule, Which Determines The Quality of Moral Actions, Must Be Presumed To Be Matter of Revelation From God
CHAPTER 3 Farther Presumption of A Direct Revelation From The Weakness And Corruption of Human Reason, And The Want of Authority In Merely Human Opinions
CHAPTER 4 Farther Proofs of the Weakness And Uncertainty of Human Reason
CHAPTER 5 The Origin of Those Truths Which Are Found In The Writings And Religious Systems of the Heathen
CHAPTER 6 The Necessity of Revelation; - State of Religious Knowledge Among The Heathen
CHAPTER 7 The Necessity of Revelation: - State of Morals Among The Heathen
CHAPTER 8 The Necessity of Revelation: - Religions of the Heathen
CHAPTER 9 The Evidences Necessary To Authenticate A Revelation- External Evidence
CHAPTER 10 The Evidences Necessary To Authenticate A Revelation - Internal Evidence - Collateral Evidence
CHAPTER 11 The Use And Limitation of Reason In Religion
CHAPTER 12 Antiquity of the Scriptures
CHAPTER 13 The Uncorrupted Preservation of the Books of Scripture
CHAPTER 14 The Credibility of the Testimony of the Sacred Writers
CHAPTER 15 The Miracles of Scripture
CHAPTER 16 Objections To The Proof From Miracles Considered
CHAPTER 17 Prophecies of Scripture
CHAPTER 18 Objections To The Evidence From Prophecy Considered
CHAPTER 19 Internal Evidence of the Truth of Scripture - Collateral Evidence
CHAPTER 20 Miscellaneous Objections Answered

CHAPTER 1 The Existence of God
CHAPTER 2 Attributes of God: Unity, Spirituality
CHAPTER 3 Attributes of God - Eternity - Omnipotence - Antiquity
CHAPTER 4 Attributes of God - Omniscience
CHAPTER 5 Attributes of God - Immutability, Wisdom
CHAPTER 6 Attributes of God - Goodness
CHAPTER 7 Attributes of God - Holiness
CHAPTER 8 God - The Trinity In Unity
CHAPTER 9 Trinity - Scripture Testimony
CHAPTER 10 Trinity - Pre-Existence of Christ
CHAPTER 11 Trinity - Jesus Christ The Jehovah of the Old Testament
CHAPTER 12 The Titles of Christ
CHAPTER 13 Christ Possessed of Divine Attributes
CHAPTER 14 The Acts Ascribed To Christ Proofs of His Divinity
CHAPTER 15 Divine Worship Paid To Christ
CHAPTER 16 Humanity of Christ - Hypostatic Union-Errors As To The Person of Christ
CHAPTER 17 The Personality And Deity of the Holy Ghost
CHAPTER 18 Fall of Man - Doctrine of Original Sin
CHAPTER 19 Redemption - Principles of God's Moral Government
CHAPTER 20 Redemption - Death of Christ Propitiatory
CHAPTER 21 Redemption - Sacrifices of the Law
CHAPTER 22 Redemption - Primitive Sacrifices
CHAPTER 23 Benefits Derived To Man From The Atonement-Justification
CHAPTER 24 Benefits Derived To Man From The Atonement-Concomitants of Justification
CHAPTER 25 Extent of the Atonement
CHAPTER 26 The Same Subject Continued
CHAPTER 27 An Examination of Certain Passages of Scripture, Supposed To Limit The Extent of Christ's Redemption
CHAPTER 28 Theories Which Limit The Extent of the Death of Christ
CHAPTER 29 Redemption - Farther Benefits

CHAPTER 1 The Moral Law
CHAPTER 2 The Duties We Owe To God
CHAPTER 3 The Duties We Owe To God - The Lord's Day
CHAPTER 4 Morals-Duties To Our Neighbour

CHAPTER 1 The Christian Church
CHAPTER 2 Institutions of Christianity - The Sacraments
CHAPTER 3 The Institutions of the Church - Baptism
CHAPTER 4 The Institutions of the Church - The Lord's Supper

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