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- Submitted: Dec 24 2012 11:34 AM
- Last Updated: Dec 24 2012 01:06 PM
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- Author: David L. Cooper
- theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
- Tab Name: Cooper, David L. - Messiah His Historical Appearance
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Cooper, David L. - Messiah His Historical Appearance

Dispensationalism Jesus Studies Bible Interpretation Matthew Apologetics / Evangelism

David L. Cooper
theWord Version:
3.x - 4.x
Tab Name:
Cooper, David L. - Messiah His Historical Appearance
About this Book http://www.biblicalr...nfo/page1G.html
Presents the scriptural evidence that all the predictions in the Old Testament regarding Messiah's first coming have been fulfilled to the letter by Jesus of Nazareth, and that all the predictions in the Old Testament regarding Messiah's Second Coming, as well as all the predictions in the New Testament regarding His Second Coming, await a literal fulfillment.
Table of Contents
Book One - Some General Principles Taught By Scientific Observation, Practical Experience, Logical Thinking, and Open-Mindedness
Chapter I The Spheres of Science, Philosopy, and Theology
Chapter II Scientific Methods of Investigation
Chapter III A Historical Question
Chapter IV The Right Attitude Toward Truth
Chapter V The Golden Rule of Interpretation
Chapter VI Arbitrary Brushing Aside of Early Prophecies
Chapter VII Those To Whom Moses and the Prophets Spoke
Chapter VIII Miracles
Book Two - Some Dominant Prophecies Taught By the Eternal Creator In His Revelation to Israel According to Moses, the Prophets, and the Writers of the New Testament
Chapter IX The Call of Moses
Chapter X The Testimony of Moses and the Prophets Regarding the Messiah's Redemptive Charachter
Chapter XI The Blindness of Israel and the Nations
Chapter XII The First Coming of Messiah
Chapter XIII The Christian Dispensation: The Interval Separating the Two Comings of the One Messiah
Chapter XIV The Second Coming of Messiah
Chapter XV Authentic Sources of Information Regarding Jesus the Messiah and His World-Wide Spiritual Kingdom
Chapter XVI The Life and Ministry of Jesus Cast in the Prophetic Mod of Moses and the Prophets
Book 3 An Examination of Jesus of Nazareth as the Messiah of Israel and the Redeemer of the World
Chapter XVII A Fourfold Portrait of Jesus of Nazareth, the Hebrew Messiah
Chapter XVIII The Birth Narrative and Early Life of Jesus of Nazareth, the Hebrew Messiah According to the Gospel of Matthew
Chapter XIX The Forerunner of Messiah and His Ministry According to the Gospel of Matthew
Chapter XX The Opening Scenes of the Ministry of Jesus According to the Gospel of Matthew
Chapter XXI The Manifesto of Jesus the Messiah According to the Gospel of Matthew
Chapter XXII The Miracles of Jesus the Messiah According to the Gospel of Matthew
Chapter XXIII The Restricted Commision According to the Gospel of Matthew
Chapter XXIV Period of Crises According to the Gospel of Matthew
Chapter XXV Parables According to the Gospel of Matthew
Chapter XXVI Period of Retirements of Jesus from the Land of Israel According to the Gospel of Matthew
Chapter XXVII Closing Scenes of the Galilean Ministry According to the Gospel of Matthew
Chapter XXVIII A Glimpse at the Perean Ministry According to the Gospel of Matthew
Chapter XXIX Journey from Jericho to Jerusalem According to the Gospel of Matthew
Chapter XXX The Last Week of the Earthly Ministry of Jesus According to the Gospel of Matthew
Chapter XXXI The Resurrection According to the Gospel of Matthew
Chapter XXXII Salvation Offered to All Nations According to the Gospel of Matthew
Book 4 (Links are provided in this module to the chapters for book 4, these are still under copyright)
From the Preface http://www.biblicalr...nfo/page2G.html
THIS treatise, Messiah: His Historical Appearance, is the fifth book of the Messianic Series, which, when completed, will contain seven volumes. The four preceding works areThe God of Israel, Messiah: His Nature and Person, Messiah: His Redemptive Career, andMessiah: His First Coming Scheduled. The last two are Messiah: His Second Coming Imminent and Messiah: His Final Call to Israel.
In this the fifth book of the Series we come to grips with the greatest question that has ever engaged the attention of man—that which pertains to Jesus of Nazareth, a historical personage concerning whom multiplied millions of people, both in the past and at the present time, have been convinced by positive evidence that He was a historical person (as the late Dr. Stephen S. Wise declared), that He was what He claimed to be, and what the four evangelists—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—say that He was.
The Apostle John declared, in Revelation 19:11, that "the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." According to this statement, all revelation revolves around Him, His life, and His labors. Jesus of Nazareth, speaking figuratively, is the leading actor in the great drama of life as presented in the Old and New Testament Scriptures.
But in modern times a section of the world of scholarship imbued with and motivated by the spirit of scientific investigation, apart from divine revelation, calls in question, more or less, the authority of the Scriptures and their message. Rationalism has largely captured the thinking of the man of the twentieth century and is dominating it. I hasten to affirm, however, that there are many scholars who have refused to bow to the dictates of this modern god of rationalism, skepticism, and doubt.
This Baal of modernism at whose shrine very many scholars bow and worship is dictating the life and thinking of multitudes in the educational world, as well as in the religious sphere. I am constrained, therefore, to begin the investigation concerning the historical Jesus by noting very briefly some general principles of scientific research and some prophecies regarding the Almighty's revelation to Israel and to the world.
This treatise in the unabridged edition naturally falls into four sections—Book One: some general principles taught by scientific observation, practical experience, logical thinking, and open-mindedness to see and to accept truth wherever found—this part of the treatise prepares the reader for an impartial and candid examination of the truths, evidence, and facts presented; Book Two: some dominant prophecies taught by the Eternal Creator in His revelation to Israel, according to Moses, the Prophets, and the writers of the New Testament—this section, which draws its material largely from the messages of Moses and the Prophets, paves the way for the reader's understanding of the testimony presented by the Apostle Matthew, an associate of Jesus and an eyewitness of the things concerning which he has written; Book Three: the inspired testimony of the Apostle Matthew, an eyewitness—with explanatory notes; Book Four: the necessity of the Mosaic doctrine of blood atonement examined scripturally and philosophically.
A Word About The Author
He continually referred to the Golden Rule of Interpretation, quoted below.
"By following this rule we avoid the many pitfalls of attempting to read into the text something that is not there, and of failing to see what is actually expressed in the Sacred Word," he would explain to his Bible classes. "Though there are those who do not realize the value of the study of prophecy, let me call attention to the fact that the Lord gave us the prophetic portions of His Word for our enlightenment and enrichment. 'Every scripture [is*] inspired of God, is also profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for instruction which is in righteousness: that the man of God may be complete, furnished completely unto every good work' (2 Tim. 3:16,17). Without the proper knowledge of the prophetic Word no one can be adequately fitted or completed unto all the good works which God desires of His children."
Copyright Note:
Published in 1958, a search of the Stanford copyright database did not turn up any results except for the last 4 chapters. Links have been provided for these 4 chapters within the module for your convenience.
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