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  • Submitted: Feb 08 2013 06:48 PM
  • Last Updated: Jun 30 2016 06:04 PM
  • File Size: 249K
  • Views: 4981
  • Downloads: 404
  • Author: Dr. Thomas Ice
  • theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
  • Tab Name: Ice, T. - History Of Christian Zionism
  • Suggest New Tag:: Israel, Israelology, Modern History of Israel, Zionism
  • Module Identifier: DDT-Ice, Thomas-Lovers Of Zion A History Of Christian Zionism

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Eschatalogy (Endtimes) Modern (1800-Today) Dispensationalism

Dr. Thomas Ice

theWord Version:
3.x - 4.x

Tab Name:
Ice, T. - History Of Christian Zionism

Suggest New Tag::
Israel, Israelology, Modern History of Israel, Zionism

Module Identifier:
DDT-Ice, Thomas-Lovers Of Zion A History Of Christian Zionism

This module is about the modern history of Israel. It is an excellent presentation of how Christians have defended (or attacked!) the notion of an independent Israel through the ages. It is very well done. Dispensationalists will read with wonder at how God is fulfilling His prophetic Word (and preterists will simply read with wonder...!) The text for this module comes from www.raptureready.com.

From the Introduction...

In the last couple of years the secular community and some in the religious community have awakened to the reality that much of the American Evangelical community is very supportive of the modern state of Israel. And what is their reaction? They do not like it one bit! This support for Israel is perceived as an ever increasing danger with the possibility that Christian Zionism could bring about World War III.

Gen 12:3 records God's promise to bless those who bless Abraham and his descendants (i.e., Israel). The Abrahamic covenant is confirmed to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and their descendants. It is repeated to them at least a minimum of twenty times in Genesis (Gen 12:1-3; Gen 12:7-9; Gen 13:14-18; Gen 15:1-18; Gen 17:1-27; Gen 22:15-19; Gen 26:2-6; Gen 26:24-25; Gen 27:28-29; Gen 27:38-40; Gen 28:1-4; Gen 28:10-22; Gen 31:3; Gen 31:11-13; Gen 32:22-32; Gen 35:9-15; Gen 48:3-4; Gen 48:10-20; Gen 49:1-28; Gen 50:23-25). Although the Abrahamic Covenant contains multiple features, it always includes the land promises to Israel. One of the most important questions that must be addressed is: Does this promise still stand or has it been changed? If these biblical promises are to be taken literally and still apply to Israel, and not the Church, it should not surprise anyone that such a view leads to Christian Zionism. Zionism is simply the belief that the Jewish people have been given the land of Israel by covenant promise from God and still have a current right to occupy that land. Christian Zionists are Christians who agree with this belief.

For more modules like this one, visit www.DoctorDaveT.com.

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