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  • Submitted: Feb 27 2013 02:34 PM
  • Last Updated: Feb 27 2013 05:00 PM
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  • Author: John Kitto
  • theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
  • Tab Name: Kitto (Morning), Kitto (Evening), Daily Bible Illustrations

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Download Kitto, John - Daily Bible Illustrations (8 vols)

* * * * * 8 Votes
Expository Topics Prayer Devotional
John Kitto

theWord Version:
3.x - 4.x

Tab Name:
Kitto (Morning), Kitto (Evening), Daily Bible Illustrations

Charles Spurgeon held John Kitto's Daily Bible Illustrations in the highest regard, saying the 8 volumes were "more interesting than any novel that was ever written, and as instructive as the heaviest theology."

Kitto wrote this massive work as daily devotions, for morning and evening. Beginning in Genesis, Kitto loosely works his way through the Bible ending with Acts. The material is also presented as a devotional module and in book format (see below for details).

Do not confuse this module, Daily Bible Illustrations with Illustrated History of the Bible also by the same author!

theWord Version
You may download this module in both formats below. Because this is more than just a normal devotional, I believed the Book format might also prove useful for many.

Devotional Module format: Notice the two devotional modules: Morning and Evening. Obviously, you can read them together (morning and evening) in one year or separately in two years.

Book format: The same material is presented but with an organizational structure not possible in the Devotional format (see Contents section below).

About John Kitto
John Kitto lived just 50 years, from 1804 to 1854.

As a deaf man, Kitto was a careful observer of physical detail – the topography, the animals, architecture, agricultural methods, the manner of interaction between people. His retelling of Bible stories in the light of what he had seen brought the narratives to life and confirmed the accuracy of the ancient texts. He showed how the activities described by the prophets and apostles accorded with the realities of Eastern culture. He supplemented his own observations with details from the journals of other travellers, and helped the Bible reader to understand many things previously obscure or contradictory to the Western mind. His careful research into the geography, biology and archaeology of Bible lands served to support and encourage confidence in the accuracy of the Bible.

In his generation. Dr Kitto was a most significant contributor to Christian scholarship, and he provided much help for Evangelicals defending the Bible against the attack of liberal critics. He eventually wrote a total of twenty-three books, of which Charles Spurgeon considered the Daily Bible Illustrations to be "more interesting than any novel that was ever written, and as instructive as the heaviest theology."

John Kitto summed up his life with the following words:

"I perhaps have as much right as any man that lives, to bear witness that there is no one so low but that he may rise, no condition so cast down as to be really hopeless, and no privation which need, of itself, shut out any man from the paths of honourable exertion or from the hope of usefulness in life. I have sometimes thought that it was possibly my mission to affirm and establish these great truths."

Antediluvians and Patriarchs
----Genesis 1 : First Week
--------God the Creator—Genesis 1:1
--------The Chaos—Geological Discoveries—Genesis 1:2
--------The First Light—Genesis 1:3
--------The Firmament—Land and Water—Genesis 1:6-8
--------The Great Lights—Genesis 1:16-18
--------Creation of Fishes and Birds—Genesis 1:20
--------Creation of Land Animals—Genesis 1:24
----Genesis 1-3 : Second Week
--------The Image of God—Genesis 1:26-27
--------The Food of Primeval Man—Genesis 1:29-30
--------Adam in Eden—Genesis 2:8
--------Adam Naming The Cattle—Genesis 2:20
--------Eve—Genesis 2:21-24
--------The Serpent—Genesis 3:1
--------Western Traditions of the Serpent and the Fall
----Genesis 3-4 : Third Week
--------The Voice of God—Genesis 3:8
--------Eastern Traditions of the Fall
--------Man after the Fall
--------Cain and Abel
--------Early Population
--------The Offerings of Cain and Abel—Genesis 4:3-7
--------The Death of Abel—Genesis 4:8
----Genesis 4 : Fourth Week
--------The Presence of the Lord—Genesis 4:10-16
--------The Discovery of Fire
--------The First City—Genesis 4:17
--------Lamech—Genesis 4:19-20
--------Jabal and Jubal—Genesis 4:20-21
--------Tubal-Cain—Genesis 4:22
--------Arts before the Flood
----Genesis 5-7 : Fifth Week
--------Enoch Walked with God—Genesis 5:22
--------Antediluvian Names—Genesis 4:17-18; 5:5-32
--------Longevity of the Antediluvians—Genesis 5
--------The Sons of God—Genesis 6:2
--------The Ark—Genesis 6:14-16
--------The Deluge—Genesis 7
--------Extent of the Deluge—Genesis 7:19
----Genesis 8-12 : Sixth Week
--------God Remembered Noah—Genesis 8:1
--------Traditions of the Deluge
--------Monuments of the Deluge
--------Ararat—Genesis 8:4
--------The Dispersion—Genesis 10
--------Abraham—Genesis 11:27-29; 12:1-5
--------Sarah in Egypt—Royal Rights over Women—Genesis 12:10-20
----Genesis 12-15 : Seventh Week
--------God’s Purposes, and Man’s Devices
--------Patriarchal Wealth—Genesis 12:16; 13:2
--------The Tent—Genesis 13:3
--------The First War—Genesis 14
--------Kings and Kingdoms—Melchizedek—Genesis 14
--------The Covenant—Genesis 15
----Genesis 15-20 : Eighth Week
--------The Faith of Abraham—Genesis 15:6
--------Hagar—Genesis 16
--------Pastoral Hospitalities—Genesis 18
--------Lot in Sodom—Intercession—Genesis 17-18
--------The Pillar of Salt—Genesis 19:26
--------Dead Sea Difficulties—Genesis 19
--------Sarah’s Veil—Genesis 20:16
----Genesis 21-25 : Ninth Week
--------God Opened Her Eyes—Genesis 21:19
--------The Grove—Genesis 21:33
--------Heroic Faith—Genesis 22
--------The Sepulcher—Genesis 24
--------The Journey—Genesis 24:1-10
--------A Marriage—Genesis 24:11-17
--------The Birthright—Genesis 25
----Genesis 25-32 : Tenth Week
--------Gathered to His People—Genesis 25:8
--------The Blessing—Genesis 27
--------Bethel—Genesis 28
--------Haran—Genesis 29
--------The Flock—Genesis 31
--------The Departure—Genesis 31
--------Seventh Day: The First Prayer—Genesis 32
----Genesis 32-39 : Eleventh Week
--------Benoni—Genesis 35:18
--------Movements—Genesis 35
--------Dreams—Genesis 37:5-10
--------Egyptian Slavery—Genesis 39
--------Captain of the Guard—Genesis 39:1
--------Egyptian Crimes and Punishments
--------The Round-House—Genesis 39:20
----Genesis 40-41 : Twelfth Week
--------Remember Me When It Shall Be Well with Thee—Genesis 40:14
--------The Butler’s Dream—Genesis 40:1-13
--------The Baker’s Dream—Genesis 40:16-19
--------The Birthday—Genesis 40:20
--------The River Nile—Genesis 41:1
--------The Royal Dreams—Genesis 41:1-30
--------Egyptian Cleanliness—Genesis 41:14
----Genesis 41-50 : Thirteenth Week
--------God in All—Genesis 41:51-52
--------Joseph’s Honors—Genesis 41:38-43
--------The Corn Policy—Genesis 41:34-36, 47-57; 42:13-26
--------The Entertainment—Genesis 43:16-34
--------The Shepherd Kings—Genesis 43:32
--------Divining Cups—Genesis 44
--------Jacob’s Obsequies—Genesis 50
Moses and the Judges
----Exodus 1-5 : Fourteenth Week
--------The Chosen People
--------The Hard Bondage—Exodus 1
--------The Infancy of Moses—Exodus 2:10
--------Early Deeds of Moses
--------Moses in Midian—Exodus 2:15-22
--------The Call—Exodus 3
--------The Demand—Exodus 5
----Exodus 6-11 : Fifteenth Week
--------Jehovah—Exodus 6:3
--------The Contest—Exodus 7:1-14
--------The Blood and the Frogs—Exodus 7:15; 8:15
--------Gnats and Beetles—Exodus 8
--------The Murrain and Pestilence—Exodus 9
--------The Storm and the Locusts
--------The Darkness, and Death of the First-Born—Exodus 10:21-29; 11:1-10; 12:29-30
----Exodus 12-16 : Sixteenth Week
--------Christ Our Passover—Exodus 12
--------The Fourteenth of Nisan—Exodus 12
--------The Departure—Exodus 12:20-40
--------The Red Sea—Exodus 14
--------Triumph—Exodus 15
--------Thirst—Exodus 15:22-27
--------Hunger—Exodus 16
----Exodus 17 -Levitcus: Seventeenth Week
--------The Uplifted Hands—Exodus 17:8-16
--------Rephidim—Exodus 17:1-7
--------Sinai—Exodus 19
--------Sinai Difficulties
--------The Golden Calf—Exodus 32:1-6
--------Judgment—Exodus 32:7-35
--------The Strange Fire—Mourning—Leviticus 10
----Numbers 10-16 : Eighteenth Week
--------Hobab—Numbers 10:29-32
--------The Son of Shelomith—Leviticus 24
--------Murmurings—Numbers 11
--------Aaron and Miriam—Numbers 12
--------The Good Report—Numbers 13
--------The Evil Report—Numbers 14
--------Conspiracy—Numbers 16
----Numbers 20-22 : Nineteenth Week
--------The Sin of Moses—Numbers 20
--------Monday Mount Hor—Numbers 20:22-29
--------Fiery Serpents—Numbers 21
--------King Og’s Bedstead—Numbers 21:33-35
--------Malediction—Numbers 22
--------Balaam—Numbers 22
--------Balaam’s Ass—Numbers 22:6-35
----Numbers 23 -Joshua 3 : Twentieth Week
--------God and Mammon—Numbers 23-24
--------The Midianites—Numbers 25; Numbers 31
--------Death and Character of Moses—Deuteronomy 34
--------Espials—Joshua 2
--------The Passage—Joshua 3
--------The Hebrew Right to Canaan—What It Was Not
--------The Hebrew Right to Canaan—What it was
----Joshua 5-10 : Twenty-First Week
--------Old Corn—Joshua 5
--------Fall of Jericho—Joshua 6
--------The Number Seven—Joshua 6:3-6
--------The River Jordan
--------The Accursed Thing—Joshua 7
--------The Craft of the Gibeonites—Joshua 9
--------Joshua’s Miracle—Joshua 10
----Joshua 14 -Judges 2 : Twenty Second Week
--------Caleb—Joshua 14:6-12
--------The Book-City—Joshua 15:15
--------Surveying—Joshua 18
--------The Altar of The Reubenites—Joshua 22
--------Thumbs and Great Toes—Judges 1:1-7
--------Government—Judges 2
----Judges 3-4 : Twenty-Third Week
--------The Repentance of God—Judges 3:18
--------Subjection—Judges 3:1-17
--------Ehud and Eglon—Judges 3:18-30
--------The Husbandmen—Judges 3:31
--------The Oppressed Land—Judges 5:6-10
--------A Mother in Israel—Judges 4:4-5
--------Jael and Sisera—Judges 4:6-22
----Judges 5-9 : Twenty-Forth Week
--------The Sun-Like Course—Judges 5:31
--------Nomad Aggressions—Judges 6:1-6
--------Gideon—Judges 6:11-23
--------Baal—Judges 6:24-32
--------Tests—Judges 7:1-15
--------Friday, The Stratagem—Judges 7:16-8:17
--------A King—Judges 9
----Judges 9-16 : TwentyTwenty-Fifth Week
--------A Parable—Judges 9:8-16
--------Jephthah—Judges 10
--------The Nazarite—Judges 13
--------The Lion—Judges 14:1-10
--------The Riddle—Judges 14:11-19
--------The Foxes—Judges 15:1-7
--------The Jaw-Bone and Gate—Judges 15:1-16:3
----Judges 16-21 : Twenty-Sixth Week
--------The Beguilement—Judges 16:4-18
--------The Secret—Judges 16:19-21
--------The Avengement—Judges 16:21-31
--------The Levite—Judges 17-18
--------The Offence—Judges 19
--------The First Tribal War—Judges 20-21
Samuel, Saul, and David
----Ruth 1-4 : Twenty-Seventh Week
--------Names—Ruth 1:2
--------Home—Ruth 1:3-17
--------Gleaning—Salutations—Ruth 2:1-4
--------Harvest Fare—Ruth 2:5-14
--------Threshing—Ruth 2:17; 3:2
--------The Levirate Law—Ruth 4
----Ruth 4 -1 Samuel 4 : Twenty-Eighth Week
--------Ruth’s Recompense—Ruth 4:13-22
--------Two Wives—1 Samuel 1:1-12
--------A Loan to the Lord—1 Samuel 1:13-28; 2:18-21
--------The Pillars of the Earth—1 Samuel 2:8
--------Tabernacle Abominations—1 Samuel 2:12-17
--------A Voice in the Night—1 Samuel 3
--------The Tidings—1 Samuel 4:1-18
----1 Samuel 4-8 : Twenty-Ninth Week
--------Ichabod—1 Samuel 4:21
--------Dagon—1 Samuel 5:1-5
--------Telesmes—1 Samuel 6:1-5
--------The Ark Restored—1 Samuel 6:7-21
--------Israel at Mizpeh—1 Samuel 7:1-6
--------Ebenezer—1 Samuel 7:7-14
--------Corruption of Justice—1 Samuel 7:15-8:22
----1 Samuel 5-10 : Thirtieth Week
--------The Holiness of God—1 Samuel 5:10
--------A Change Demanded—1 Samuel 8:4-7
--------Monarchial Institutions—1 Samuel 8:9-22
--------Tallness—1 Samuel 9:2
--------Strayed Asses—1 Samuel 11:3
--------The Seer—1 Samuel 9:9
--------A Constitutional King—1 Samuel 10:17-25
----1 Samuel 11-13 : Thirty-First Week
--------Saul among the Prophets
--------The Law of the Kingdom
--------The King Aroused—1 Samuel 11:1-8
--------The Call of the Tribes—1 Samuel 11:1-8
--------Relief of Jabesh-Gilead—1 Samuel 11:9-15
--------The Inauguration—1 Samuel 12
--------Israel Disarmed—1 Samuel 13:1-4, 19-22
----1 Samuel 13-16 : Thirty-Second Week
--------Foolishness—1 Samuel 13:13
--------Saul’s Transgression—1 Samuel 13:4-15
--------Honey and Blood—1 Samuel 14
--------The Public Enemy—1 Samuel 15
--------Samuel at Bethlehem—1 Samuel 16:1-13
--------David—1 Samuel 16:12
--------Music—1 Samuel 16:15-23
----1 Samuel 16-19 : Thirty-Third Week
--------The Lord Looketh on the Heart—1 Samuel 16:7
--------Goliath’s Armor—1 Samuel 17:1-7
--------The Combat—1 Samuel 17:8-52
--------Clouded Triumph—1 Samuel 17:53; 18:12
--------Snares—1 Samuel 18:13-30
--------Teraphim—1 Samuel 19:1-17
--------The School of the Prophets—1 Samuel 19:18-22
----1 Samuel 17-26 : Thirty-Fourth Week
--------The Sling and Stone—1 Samuel 17:1
--------The Farewell—1 Samuel 20
--------David at Nob—1 Samuel 21
--------David at Gath—1 Samuel 21:10-15
--------David in the Wilderness—1 Samuel 24-25
--------The Brotherly Covenant—1 Samuel 24:16-18
--------Magnanimity—1 Samuel 24-26
----1 Samuel 27—2 Samuel 2 : Thirty-Fifth Week
--------Cush the Benjamite—Psalms 7
--------A False Step—1 Samuel 27:1-6
--------Reinforcements—1 Samuel 27:1-2; 1 Chronicles 12:1-22
--------The Witch of Endor—1 Samuel 28
--------The Worthies—2 Samuel 23; 1 Chronicles 11
--------The Song of the Bow—2 Samuel 1
--------David in Hebron—2 Samuel 2:1-7; 1 Samuel 31:11-13
----2 Samuel 2-5 : Thirty-Sixth Week
--------The Change
--------The First Blow—2 Samuel 2:12-32
--------Abner—2 Samuel 3:1-16
--------Blood Revenge—2 Samuel 3:17-39
--------Treachery Punished—2 Samuel 4
--------The Blind and the Lame—2 Samuel 5:1-10
--------The Ark—2 Samuel 6; 1 Chronicles 15
----2 Samuel 5-8 : Thirty-Seventh Week
--------The Entrance Song—Psalms 24
--------Commerce and Arts—2 Samuel 5:11-13
--------The Philistine Wars—2 Samuel 5:17-25; 8:1
--------The Throne Established—2 Samuel 7
--------The Decimation of Moab—1 Samuel 8:2
--------The Great War—1 Samuel 8:3-12
--------Hadad—2 Samuel 8:14; 1 Chronicles 18:13; 1 Kings 11:15-21
----2 Samuel 9-14 : Thirty-Eighth Week
--------A Dead Dog—2 Samuel 9:8
--------Mephibosheth—2 Samuel 9
--------The Shaven Ambassadors—2 Samuel 10
--------Sin and Sorrow—2 Samuel 11-12
--------Tortures—2 Samuel 12:26-31
--------The Wages of Sin—2 Samuel 13
--------Absalom’s Hair—2 Samuel 14
----2 Samuel 14-24 : Thirty-Ninth Week
--------The Spilt Water—2 Samuel 14:14
--------Filial Ingratitude—2 Samuel 15:7; 16:14
--------Two Hangings—2 Samuel 16:15; 19:8
--------The Restoration—2 Samuel 19:9-15, 41-43; 20:1-26
--------Incidents—2 Samuel 19:16-40
--------Famine and Pestilence—2 Samuel 21; 2 Samuel 24
--------The Last Days—1 Kings 1:1-11; 1 Chronicles 28-29
Solomon and the Kings
----1 Kings 2-16 : Fortieth Week
--------The Refuge—1 Kings 2:5-6, 28-34
--------Joab and Adonijah—1 Kings 2:13-25
--------Shimei—1 Kings 2:8-9, 36-46
--------The Wisdom of Solomon—1 Kings 3
--------Preparations—1 Kings 5; 2 Chronicles 2
--------Cedars of Lebanon—1 Kings 6:10; 2 Chronicles 2:8-9
--------Wood-Cutters—1 Kings 10-16; 2 Chronicles 2:10, 15-18
----1 Kings 3-7 : Forty-First Week
--------The Choice—1 Kings 3
--------Great Stones—1 Kings 5:17
--------The Temple—1 Kings 6, 7; 2 Chronicles 3, 4
--------Working in Metal—1 Kings 7:13-51
--------Windows—1 Kings 6:4
--------The Cherubim
----1 Kings 9-11 : Forty-Second Week
--------The Doctrine of the Cherubim
--------The Royal Merchant—1 Kings 9:26-28
--------Ophir—1 Kings 9:28; 10:11
--------Tadmor—1 Kings 9:18
--------Trade with Egypt—The Hittites—1 Kings 10:28-29
--------The Queen of Sheba—1 Kings 10:1-9
--------The King’s Crime—1 Kings 11:1-7
----1 Kings 11-13 : Forty-Third Week
--------The Wise Fool
--------Outer Troublers—1 Kings 11:21-25
--------The Rent Mantle—1 Kings 11:26-40
--------Rehoboam—1 Kings 11:43; 12:1
--------Whips and Scorpions—1 Kings 12:1-24
--------The Schism—1 Kings 12:24-33
--------The Two Prophets—1 Kings 13
----1 Kings 14-16 : Forty-Fourth Week
--------The Disguised Princess—1 Kings 14:1-18
--------High Places—1 Kings 14:22-24
--------The Egyptian Invasion—1 Kings 14:25-28; 2 Chronicles 12:2-12
--------Abijah—2 Chronicles 13:1-20; 1 Kings 15:1-9
--------The Queen—1 Kings 15:13
--------The Cushite Invasion—2 Chronicles 14:4-15
--------The Contrast—1 Kings 16:15-23; 2 Chronicles 16:7-10
----1 Kings 15-17 : Forty-Fifth Week
--------The Way of Help—2 Chronicles 14:11
--------Physicians—1 Kings 15:23; 2 Chronicles 16:12
--------Omri—1 Kings 16:23-29
--------Ahab and Jezebel—1 Kings 16:29-31
--------Baal—1 Kings 16:32
--------Elijah—1 Kings 17:1-3
--------The Ravens—1 Kings 17:4-6
----1 Kings 17-18 : Forty-Sixth Week
--------Zarephath—1 Kings 17:7-14
--------The Dead Child—1 Kings 17:15-24
--------The Re-Appearance—1 Kings 18:1-20
--------Carmel—1 Kings 18:19-22
--------The Contest—1 Kings 18:22-40
--------Incidents—1 Kings 18:22-40
--------The Little Cloud—1 Kings 18:41-46
----1 Kings 19 -2 Kings 2 : Forty-Seventh Week
--------The Still Small Voice—1 Kings 19
--------Benhadad—1 Kings 20:1-21
--------The God of the Hills—1 Kings 20:22-23
--------Naboth’s Vineyard—1 Kings 21-22
--------The Mantle—2 Kings 1; 1 Kings 19:15-21
--------Heaven-Ward—2 Kings 2
--------The Mockers—2 Kings 2:18-25
----2 Kings 2-4 : Forty-Eighth Week
--------Waters—2 Kings 2:19
--------The Three Kings—2 Kings 3:4-16
--------The Blood-Like Water—2 Kings 3:22-23
--------Principles of Human Sacrifice—2 Kings 3:26-27
--------Practice of Human Sacrifice—2 Kings 3:27
--------Elisha’s Staff—2 Kings 4:29
--------Debtors and Creditors—2 Kings 4:1-7
----2 Kings 5-10 : Forty-Ninth Week
--------The Proud Mind of the Flesh—2 Kings 5:11-12
--------Naaman—2 Kings 5
--------Famine—2 Kings 6:25-29
--------The Wet Cloth—2 Kings 8:7-15
--------The Day of Doom—2 Kings 9:1-30
--------Jezebel’s End—2 Kings 9:30-37
--------Heads—2 Kings 10
----2 Kings 8-18 : Fiftieth Week
--------Heart-Reading—2 Kings 8-11
--------Athaliah—2 Kings 11:1-2; 2 Chronicles 22:10
--------A Coronation—2 Kings 11:4-16; 2 Chronicles 23:1-15
--------Posthumous Judgment—2 Kings 12; 2 Chronicles 24
--------Petra—2 Kings 14:1-20; 2 Chronicles 25
--------Engines of War—2 Kings 14:21-22; 15:1-7; 2 Chronicles 26
--------Political Combinations—2 Kings 18; 2 Chronicles 28
----2 Kings 17-24 : Fifty-First Week
--------Tempting the Lord—Isaiah 7
--------The Assyrians—2 Kings 17-18; 2 Chronicles 32; Isaiah 36
--------The Simoom—2 Kings 19; 2 Chronicles 32
--------The Dial of Ahaz—2 Kings 20 Isaiah 38
--------Josiah—2 Kings 22-23; 2 Chronicles 34-35
--------Three Kings—2 Kings 24; 2 Chronicles 36:1-10
--------The Last Reign—2 Kings 24:17-20; 25; 2 Chronicles 36
----Ezra-Esther: Fifty-Second Week
--------The End—2 Chronicles 36:13-16
--------The Restoration—Ezra 1-3
--------Ezra—Ezra 7-10
--------The Walls of Jerusalem—Nehemiah 1-5
--------Abuses Rectified—Nehemiah 5, 13
--------The Persian Court—Esther 1-2
--------Providence—Esther 3-10
Job and the Poetical Books
----Job 1 : First Week
--------Design of the Book of Job
--------The Book of Job Not a Parable
--------The Book of Job Historical
--------Author of the Book of Job
--------When Job Lived—Job 1:1
--------The Land of Uz—Job 1:1
--------Job’s Greatness—Job 1:3
----Job 1 : Second Week
--------Job’s character—Job 1:1, 8
--------Family Meetings—Job 1:4-5
--------Cursing God—Job 1:5
--------The Scene in Heaven—Job 1:6
--------Satan—Job 1:7-12
--------The First Calamity—Job 1:13-15
--------The Foray—Job 1:16-17
----Job 1-2 : Third Week
--------The Heaviest Loss—Job 1:18-19
--------Faith Triumphant—Job 1:20-22
--------Skin for Skin—Job 2:1-6
--------The Black Leprosy—Job 2:7
--------The Potsherd and the Ashes—Job 2:8
--------Job’s Wife—Job 2:9-10
--------The Visit—Job 2:11-13
----Job 2-5 : Fourth Week
--------The Praise—Job 2:10
--------The Friends—Job 2:11
--------The Outbreak—Job 3
--------Lamentation—Job 3:6
--------Desolate Places—Job 3:13-14
--------The Vision—Job 4:15
--------Marvellous Things—Job 5:9
----Job 6-16 : Fifth Week
--------Night Terrors—Job 6; Job 7
--------Roots—Job 8
--------The Post—Job 9
--------The Wild Ass—Job 11
--------The Tree—Job 14:7-12
--------Heaps—Job 15-21
--------Horns—Job 16:15
----Job 17-29 : Sixth Week
--------Clean Hands—Job 17:9
--------Job’s Trust—Job 19:25-27
--------Written Rocks—Job 19:24
--------Traveler’s Token—Job 21:29
--------The North—Job 23:8-10
--------Burglary—Job 24:16
--------Prosperity Remembered—Job 29
----Job 28-39 : Seventh Week
--------God’s Secrets—Job 28
--------Contumely—Job 30
--------Elihu—Job 32
--------Elihu’s Argument—Job 32-37
--------The Lord Speaks—Job 38
--------The Unicorn—Job 39:9-12
--------The War-Horse—Job 39:19-25
----Job 40-42 : Eighth Week
--------Job Taught of God—Job 40:1-7
--------Behemoth—Job 40:15-24
--------The Leviathan—Job 41
--------The Decision—Job 42:1-9
--------The Kesitah—Job 42:11
--------Job’s Daughters—Job 42:14-15
--------Hebrew Poetry
----Psalms: Ninth Week
--------Spiritually of the Psalms
--------Varieties of Parallelism
--------Introverted Parallelism
--------Titles of the Psalms
--------Explanation of Titles
--------Authors of the Psalms
----Psalms-Proverbs: Tenth Week
--------The Longest Psalm—Psalms 119
--------The Imprecatory Psalms—Statement
--------The Imprecatory Psalms—Justification
--------The Book of Proverbs
--------Eastern Proverbs
--------Mingled Wine—Proverbs 9:2-3
--------Carousals—Proverbs 19:24; 23:30
----Proverbs-Ecclesiastes: Eleventh Week
--------Apples of Gold in Pictures of Silver—Proverbs 25:11
--------A Dinner of Herbs—Proverbs 15:17; 23:20
--------The Ants—Proverbs 6:6-8; 30:25
--------The Shaphan and the Ravens—Proverbs 30:17-26
--------The Fingers—Proverbs 6:13
--------The Hebrew Matron—Proverbs 31:10-31
--------Ecclesiastes—Ecclesiastes 1:1
----Ecclesiastes-Song of Solomon: Twelfth Week
--------Design of Ecclesiastes
--------The Argument of Ecclesiastes
--------This Garden and the Pool—Ecclesiastes 2:5-6
--------Bird—Messengers—Ecclesiastes 10:20
--------Old Age—Ecclesiastes 12:1-5
--------Animal Hydraulics—Ecclesiastes 12:6
--------The Song of Songs
----Song of Solomon: Thirteenth Week
--------Spirituality of the Song of Songs
--------The Curtains of Solomon—Solomon’s Song of Solomon 1:1-6
--------The King’s Mare—Solomon’s Song of Solomon 1:9-11
--------Notes of Time
--------The Palanquin—Solomon’s Song of Solomon 3:6-11
--------The Mountain and the Dew—Solomon’s Song of Solomon 5:2-6:3
--------Eastern Poetry—Solomon’s Song of Solomon 6-8
Isaiah and the Prophets
----Isaiah 1-3 : Fourteenth Week
--------Isaiah—Isaiah 1:1
--------Isaiah’s Prophecies—Isaiah 1:1
--------Medicine—Isaiah 1:5-6
--------Scarlet Sins—Isaiah 1:18
--------Dress and Ornament of Women—Isaiah 3:16-24
--------Tinkling Ornaments and Mufflers—Isaiah 3:18-20
----Isaiah 1-37 : Fifteenth Week
--------Rebellious Children—Isaiah 1:2-3
--------Veils and Wrappers—Isaiah 3:20-23
--------Butter and Honey—Isaiah 7:15-25
--------Rabshakeh’s Oration—Isaiah 36-37
--------Horses and Chariots—Isaiah 36:8
--------Terms of Submission—Isaiah 36:16-20
--------Turned Waters—Isaiah 37:25-29
----Isaiah 26-41 : Sixteenth Week
--------Visiting the Lord in Trouble—Isaiah 26:16
--------Assyrian Sieges—Isaiah 37:33
--------Assyrian Religious Notions—Isaiah 36:7, 10, 18-20
--------Nisroch—Isaiah 37:38
--------The Persians—Isaiah 41
--------Providence in the Birth of Cyrus—Isaiah 41:25
--------Providence in the Early Life of Cyrus—Isaiah 41:25
----Isaiah 41-46 : Seventeenth Week
--------Cyrus Called by Name—Isaiah 41; Isaiah 44:28; 45:4
--------Jehovah Acknowledged by Cyrus—Isaiah 45:3
--------Zoroaster—Isaiah 45:5-6
--------Ormuzd and Ahirman—Isaiah 45:5-7, 12
--------Religious Peculiarities—Isaiah 46:1-2, 6-7
--------Historical Elucidations—Isaiah 46:10
--------The Nations Given to Cyrus—Isaiah 41
----Isaiah 13-46 : Eighteenth Week
--------The Sure Word of Prophecy—Isaiah 42:9
--------Croesus—Isaiah 44:23-45:3
--------Siege of Sardis—Isaiah 44:23-45:3
--------The Burden of Babylon—Isaiah 13
--------Gold Disregarded—Isaiah 13:17
--------Incidents of Ancient Warfare—Isaiah 21
--------Details from Jeremiah—Isaiah 45; Isaiah 46; Jeremiah 50; Jeremiah 51
----Isaiah 49 -Jeremiah 6 : Nineteenth Week
--------Wait—Isaiah 49:23
--------China in Scripture—Isaiah 49:11-12
--------The Person of Jesus Christ—Isaiah 53:2
--------Stone Pillar Worship—Isaiah 57:6
--------Jeremiah—Jeremiah 1:1
--------The Latter Rain—Jeremiah 3:3
--------Hewing Down Trees—Jeremiah 6:6
----Jeremiah 6-29 : Twentieth Week
--------The Old Paths—Jeremiah 6:16
--------Ancient Cruelties—Jeremiah 6:23
--------The Ravenous Bird—Jeremiah 6:22; 50:42
--------Funeral Feasts—Jeremiah 16:4-7
--------Father-Land—Jeremiah 22:10
--------Captives—Jeremiah 22:26-27
--------The Yokes—Jeremiah 27-28
----Jeremiah 30 -Ezekiel 4 : Twenty-First Week
--------Consideration—Jeremiah 30:24
--------The Rechabites—Jeremiah 35
--------Modern Rechabites—Jeremiah 35
--------Hidden Stores in the Fields—Jeremiah 41:8
--------Ezekiel—Ezekiel 1:1
--------The Portraiture of Jerusalem—Ezekiel 4:1
--------The Symbolical Siege—Ezekiel 4
----Ezekiel 7-23 : Twenty-Second Week
--------The Rod Hath Blossomed—Ezekiel 7:10
--------Character of Ezekiel’s Prophecies—Ezekiel 8
--------Chambers of Imagery—Ezekiel 8
--------Thammuz—Ezekiel 8:14
--------Cob-Walls—Ezekiel 13:10-11
--------The Parting of the Way—Ezekiel 21:21
--------Painted Sculptures—Ezekiel 23:12-15
----Ezekiel 24 -Daniel 1 : Twenty-Third Week
--------The Stroke—Ezekiel 24:15-18
--------Rabbah—Ezekiel 25:5
--------Old Tyre—Ezekiel 26-28
--------Insular Tyre—Ezekiel 26-28
--------Sepulchers of Assur and Elam—Ezekiel 32:17-23
--------The Tomb of Cyrus—Ezekiel 32:24-32
--------Daniel—Daniel 1
----Daniel: Twenty-Fourth Week
--------The Learner’s Aid—Daniel 1:20
--------Conscientious Scruples—Daniel 1:8-15
--------The Examination—Daniel 1:19-20
--------The Lost Dream—Daniel 2
--------The Fiery Furnace—Daniel 3
--------The Fall of Pride—Daniel 4
--------The Tomb of Daniel—Daniel 8:2
----Hosea-Jonah: Twenty-Fifth Week
--------The Spiritual Marriage—Hosea 2
--------The Black Obelisk—Hosea 7:11
--------Locusts—Joel 1-2
--------The Pleasant Prophet—Amos 1:1; 7:14-15
--------The Great Fish—Jonah 1
--------Nineveh—Jonah 3:3
--------Jonah in Nineveh—Jonah 3
----Jonah-Malachi: Twenty-Sixth Week
--------The Gourd—Jonah 4
--------Samaria and Zion—Micah 1:6; 3:12
--------Ruin of Nineveh—Nahum 2-3
--------Gaza—Zephaniah 2:4
--------The Earthquake—Zechariah 14:5
--------Edom—Malachi 1:3-4
The Life and Death of our Lord
----Luke 1 : Twenty-Seventh Week
--------The Word—John 1:1-18
--------Elias—Luke 1:17
--------Zacharias—Luke 1:5-10
--------The Vision—Luke 1:5-25
--------Gabriel—Luke 1:26
--------Nazareth—Luke 1:26
--------The Annunciation—Luke 1:26-38
----Luke 1-2 : Twenty-Eighth Week
--------Mary’s Visit to Elisabeth—Luke 1:39-56
--------Birth of John the Baptist—Luke 1:57-79
--------The Perplexity—Matthew 1:18-25
--------The Taxing—Luke 2:1-5
--------All The World—Luke 2:1
--------Bethlehem—Luke 2:4
--------The Inn and the Stable—Luke 2:6-7
----Luke 2 : Twenty-Ninth Week
--------Good Tidings—Luke 2:8-20
--------The Cave of the Nativity—Luke 2:16
--------The Genealogies—Matthew 1:1-17; Luke 3:23-38
--------Incarnation—John 1:14
--------Christianity and Buddhism—John 1:14
--------The Year—Matthew 2:1
--------The Day—Luke 2:11
----Luke 2 : Thirtieth Week
--------The Name of Jesus—Luke 2:21
--------The Presentation—Luke 2:22-24
--------Simeon and Anna—Luke 2:25-38
--------The Star in the East—Matthew 2:1-2
--------Visit of the Magi—Matthew 2:3-12
--------A Chronological Question—Matthew 2:13; Luke 2:39
--------The Massacre at Bethlehem—Matthew 2:16-18
----Luke 2 : Thirty-First Week
--------God’s Retributions—Matthew 2:8
--------Flight into Egypt—Matthew 2:13-15
--------The Repose in Egypt—Matthew 2:15
--------Herod the Great—Matthew 2:19-21
--------Archelaus—Matthew 2:22-23
--------The Infancy of Jesus—Luke 2:40
--------Visit to Jerusalem—Luke 2:41-50
----Luke 2-4 : Thirty-Second Week
--------The Lord Absent—Luke 2:43
--------Jesus with the Doctors—Luke 2:46
--------John the Baptist—Matthew 3:4; Luke 1:80
--------The Ministry of John—Matthew 3:1-12; Mark 1:1-3; Luke 3:1-17
--------The Baptism of Jesus—Matthew 3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22
--------Christ in the Wilderness—Matthew 4:1-3; Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-2
--------The Three Temptations—Matthew 4:3-11; Luke 4:3-13
----Luke 4 : Thirty-Third Week
--------Tempted Like as We Are—Luke 4:13
--------The Baptist and The Delegates—John 1:19-27
--------The First Disciples—John 1:29-51
--------The Beginning of Miracles—John 2:1-11
--------The Traders Driven from the Temple—John 2:13-22
--------Herod’s Temple—John 2:20
--------Nicodemus—John 3
----Luke 4 : Thirty-Fourth Week
--------Jesus and John—John 3:22-36
--------Herod and Herodias—Matthew 14:1-4; Mark 1:14; 6:17-20
--------The Samaritans—John 4:4
--------The Woman of Samaria—John 4:5-42
--------The Nobleman’s Son—John 4:44-54
--------Jesus at Nazareth—Matthew 4:13-16; Luke 4:16-30
--------The Draught of Fishes—Matthew 4:18-22; Mark 1:16-20; Luke 5:1-11
----Luke 4-5 : Thirty-Fifth Week
--------Not As the Scribes—Mark 1:21-22; Luke 4:31-32
--------The Unclean Spirit—Mark 1:23-34; Luke 4:33-41; Matthew 8:14-17
--------The Leper—Matthew 8:2-4; Mark 1:35-45; Luke 4:42-44; 5:12-15
--------The Paralytic—Mark 2:1-4; Luke 5:17-19
--------The Housetop—Matthew 9:2-8; Mark 2:4-12; Luke 5:20-26
--------The Publicans—Matthew 9:9; Mark 2:14-15; Luke 5:27-32
--------The Pool of Bethesda—John 5:1-4
----Luke 6-8 : Thirty-Sixth Week
--------The Impotent Man—John 5:5-47
--------The Sabbath-Day—Matthew 12:1-14; Mark 2:23-3:6; Luke 6:1-11
--------The Twelve Apostles—Matthew 10:1-42; Mark 3:7-19; Luke 6:13-49; Matthew 5-7
--------The Dying and the Dead—Matthew 8:5-13; Luke 7:1-17
--------Two Incidents at Capernaum—Matthew 11:2-19; Luke 7:18-50
--------The Second Tour through Galilee—Matthew 12:22-13:53; Mark 3:30-4:34; Luke 8:1-13:9
--------The Storm—Matthew 8:18-34; Mark 4:35-5:21; Luke 8:22-40
----Luke 8-10 : Thirty-Seventh Week
--------The Treasure and the Pearl—Matthew 13:44-46
--------Miracles and Murder—Matthew 9:18-10:42; 14:6-12; Mark 5:22-6:29; Luke 8:41-9:9
--------The Crisis—Matthew 14:13-36; Mark 6:30-56; Luke 9:10-17; John 6
--------Trials of Faith—Matthew 15:21; 16:12; Mark 7:24; 8:26
--------The Transfiguration—Matthew 16:13-17:21; Mark 8:27-9:29; Luke 9:18-43
--------The Tribute Money—Matthew 17:22-18:35; Mark 9:30-50; Luke 9:43-10:16
--------The Feast of Tabernacles—John 7:2-8:11
----Luke 8-21 : Thirty-Eighth Week
--------The Man Born Blind—John 8:12-9:41
--------Sojourn in Judea—Luke 10:25-11:13; John 10:1-42
--------Lazarus Raised from the Dead—John 11
--------Tour in Perea—Luke 13:22-18:30
--------Jesus at Jericho—Matthew 20:17-34; Mark 10:32-52; Luke 18:31-19:27
--------The Triumphal Entry—Matthew 21:1-17; Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:29-44; John 12:12-19
--------The Barren Fig Tree—Matthew 21:12-22:14; Mark 11:12-12:12; Luke 19:45-21:38
----Luke 20-24 : Thirty-Ninth Week
--------Questionings—Matthew 22:15-25:46; Mark 12:13-13:37; Luke 20:20-21:38
--------Judas—Matthew 26:1-16; Mark 16:1-11; Luke 22:1-6; John 12:2-8
--------The Supper and the Agony—Matthew 26:17-46; Mark 14:12-42, Luke 22:7-46; John 13:1-18:1
--------The Jewish Trial—Matthew 26:47-75; Mark 14:43-65; Luke 22:47-71; John 18:2-27
--------The Roman Trial—Matthew 27:1-31; Mark 15:1-20; Luke 23:1-25; John 18:28-19:16
--------The Crucifixion—Matthew 27:32-66; Mark 15:2-47; Luke 23:26-56; John 19:16-42
--------The Resurrection—Matthew 28; Mark 16:1-20; Luke 24; John 20-21
The Apostles and Early Church
----Acts 1-4 : Fortieth Week
--------The Holy Ghost—Acts 1:1-15
--------A New Apostle—Acts 1:15-26
--------Pentecost—Acts 2:1-3
--------The Gift of Tongues—Acts 2:4-47
--------The Beautiful Gate—Acts 3:1-2
--------The Lame Beggar—Acts 3:3-4:31
--------All Things Common—Acts 2:41-47; 4:32-35
----Acts 4-7 : Forty-First Week
--------Ananias and Sapphira—Acts 4:36-5:11
--------Peter’s Shadow—Acts 5:12-26
--------Gamaliel—Acts 5:27-42
--------Theudas and Judas—Acts 5:36-37
--------Murmurs—Acts 6:1-6
--------Stephen—Acts 6:8-7:60
--------Stoning—Acts 7:58
----Acts 8-22 : Forty-Second Week
--------The Persecution—Acts 8:1
--------Philip the Evangelist—Acts 8:5-24
--------Simon Magus—Acts 8:18-24
--------The Ethiopian Eunuch—Acts 8:26-40
--------Saul of Tarsus—Acts 9:1
--------Tarsus—Acts 21:39
--------Saul at School—Acts 22:3
----Acts 8-26 : Forty-Third Week
--------Scripture Reading—Acts 8:28
--------Saul at Jerusalem—Acts 22:3
--------Paul’s Conversion—Acts 9:1-8; 22:5-16; 26:12-18
--------Incidents of Saul’s Conversion—Acts 9:1-8; 22:5-16; 26:12-18
--------Evidence from Saul’s Conversion—Acts 9:1-8; 22:5-16; 26:12-18
--------Damascus—Acts 9:19
--------Saul in Arabia—Acts 9:19-22; Galatians 1:17
----Acts 9 : Forty-Fourth Week
--------Grace—1 Corinthians 15:5-10
--------Saul’s Escape from Damascus—Acts 9:23-25
--------Aretas the King—2 Corinthians 11:32
--------Visit to Jerusalem—Acts 9:26-30; Galatians 1:18
--------Corroborative Circumstances—Galatians 1:18-19
--------The Brethren of Jesus—Galatians 1:19
--------James, the Lord’s Brother—Galatians 1:19
----Acts 9-11 : Forty-Fifth Week
--------The Heart of Flesh—Philippians 1:7-8
--------The Rest of the Church—Acts 9:31
--------Tabitha—Acts 9:32-43
--------Peter’s Vision—Acts 10:9-23
--------Cornelius—Acts 10:1-2
--------The Vision of Cornelius—Acts 10:24-33
--------Conversion of Cornelius—Acts 10:34-11:18
----Acts 10-12 : Forty-Sixth Week
--------A Mistake—Acts 10:34-35
--------Christians—Acts 11:19-26
--------Saul in Cilicia—Acts 11:25-26
--------Antioch—Acts 11:26
--------Agabus—Acts 11:27-30
--------Herod Agrippa—Acts 12:1
--------James the Brother of John—Acts 12:2
----Acts 12-15 : Forty-Seventh Week
--------The Praying Church—Acts 12:5
--------Peter in Prison—Acts 12:4-17
--------Death of Herod Agrippa—Acts 12:20-24
--------Bar-Jesus—Acts 13:1-8
--------Sergius Paulus—Acts 13:7
--------Paul—Acts 13:9
--------Mark—Acts 15:37
----Acts 13-14 : Forty-Eighth Week
--------Persecutions—2 Timothy 3:10-12; 2 Corinthians 11:23-29
--------Antioch in Pisidia—Acts 13:14
--------Paul and Barnabas at Lystra—Acts 14
--------The Council—Acts 15:1-29; Galatians 2:3
--------The Decree—1 Corinthians 8:1-13; 10:14-33; 2 Corinthians 6:14-18
--------The Visit to Jerusalem—Galatians 2:1-10
--------Peter’s Fault—Galatians 2:11-13
----Acts 15-16 : Forty-Ninth Week
--------Paul’s Reproof—Galatians 2:14-21
--------The Sharp Contention—Acts 15:36-41
--------Timothy—Acts 16:1-3
--------The Galatians—Acts 16:6; Galatians 1:1; 4:13-15
--------The Thorn in the Flesh—Galatians 4:13-15; 2 Corinthians 12:2-16
--------Luke—Acts 16:11
--------Philippi—Acts 16:11-12
----Acts 16-18 : Fiftieth Week
--------Lydia—Acts 16:13-15
--------The Pythoness—Acts 16:16-19
--------The Jailer—Acts 16:20-40
--------Thessalonians and Bereans—Acts 17:1-15
--------Athens—Acts 17:15-21; 1 Thessalonians 2:17-20; 3:1-5
--------Paul on Mars’ Hill—Acts 17:22-34
--------Corinth—Acts 18
----Acts 18-22 : Fifty-First Week
--------An Ignorance—Acts 18:17-19:7
--------Ephesus—Acts 19:1
--------Three Years’ Labor—Acts 19:10-22
--------Silver Shrines—Acts 19:23-41
--------Eutychus—Acts 20
--------Forewarnings—Acts 21:1-17
--------The Tower—Acts 21:18-22:29
----Acts 22-28 : Fifty-Second Week
--------A Good Conscience—Acts 22:30-23:11
--------Felix—Acts 23:12-24:26
--------King Agrippa—Acts 25-26
--------The Voyage—Acts 27:1-26
--------The Shipwreck—Acts 27:27-28:10
--------Melita to Rome—Acts 28:11-31
--------The Catacombs—Hebrews 11:38

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