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  • Submitted: Mar 12 2013 04:56 PM
  • Last Updated: Jul 28 2014 12:08 PM
  • File Size: 8.4MB
  • Views: 8045
  • Downloads: 4,542
  • Author: Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg
  • theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
  • Tab Name: Hengstenberg

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Download Hengstenberg, E. W. - Commentary on Psalms, Ecc, Ezekiel, John, Revelation (10 vols) 1.2

* * * * * 4 Votes
Christology Dispensationalism Eschatalogy (Endtimes) Types Exegesis Greek Hebrew
Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg

theWord Version:
3.x - 4.x

Tab Name:

Hengstenberg is one of the older, towering names in Evangelical Christianity, perhaps best known for Christology of the Old Testament. Hengstenberg’s books are cited hundreds of times in works such as Pulpit Commentary and Keil & Delitzsch’s Commentary on the OT. The translator/editor of Calvin's Commentaries also makes frequent reference to Hengstenberg.

In these classic commentaries, Hengstenberg calls attention to the messianic prophecies and types of Christ (Adam, Jonah, etc) by evaluating the Old Testament in light of New Testament revelations, such as Christology, Christ's sacrifice, Israel, and the church.

John (3 vols)
This work judiciously ties the book of John to Old Testament background theology. At times it is very provocative (cf. on Jn. 1:15, 30, “He is preferred before me.”.
Hengstenberg examines the theopneuestic nature of the text by studying the character of Christ.

Psalms (3 vols)
This commentary remains widely known, read, and cited. This commentary is considered a solid addition to the personal library of any serious student of the Old Testament.

Revelation (2 vols)
Hengstenberg broke with the tradition of his day, writing a fresh commentary on Revelation. He examines the historical context, thoughts of prevous theologians, and the influence of the Old Testament. In the second volume, Henstenberg explores the Beast from the Sea, the New Jerusalem, and the background to the book and to it’s author, St. John (available in the accompanying Topic file).

Henstenberg also wrote a through introduction to each chapter and to Revelation itself.

Ezekiel (1 vol)
Hengstenberg provides a historical and semantic exposition of Ezekiel. Recognizing the importance of prophecy, Hengstenberg defines connects Ezekiel and other Old Testament prophecy and the eventuality of Israel's actions.

Ecclesiastes (1 vol)
Focusing on misery derived from earthly pursuits, E. W. Hengstenberg offers comprehensive exegesis of the text. Viewing Ecclesiastes as an exhortation from the author, Hengstenberg examines semantic and implicit meaning throughout the book with regard for historical context. The author draws upon acclaimed authors such as Franz Delitzsch and Ferdinand Hitzig to clarify key points and arguments.

About Ernst Wilhelm Theodor Herrmann Hengstenberg
Hengstenberg, E. W. (1802 - 1869) was a German Protestant theologian and exegete. He received education from his father, a Lutheran clergyman. He studied at the University of Bonn (which he entered at the age of nineteen). He served as Professor of Theology at Berlin and later became editor of the Evangelische Kirckenzeitung, a publication which he had a wide influence on the religious life of his time. He maintained an interest in defending evangelical truth with fearless daring, undaunted by the attacks of critics.

theWord Edition
This text was provided by Bill Anderson @ StillTruth.com

Book comments routinely contain introductory and end-of-book material, such as concluding statements and appendices. A separate Book module contains the Retrospect on Revelation.

What's New in Version 1.2 (See full changelog)

  • Chapter tooltips repaired.

Great work again, Josh. Many thanks to you and your contributers.

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